Showing posts with label fire alarms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fire alarms. Show all posts

October 31, 2017

Hidden Dangers of Home Fires

Behavior That Can Lead To Home Fires

Teenagers are known to test boundaries and participate in potentially risky behavior, but it can be detrimental to the whole family when it involves fire hazards. What may seem like innocent acts, could have deadly results.

Here are some of the behaviors you should keep an eye out for when it comes to the hidden dangers of home fires:

 Misusing aerosol deodorant. While Axe body spray might seem like a rite of passage for a teenage boy, a recent local ABC news report out of San Diego found that while some boys buy Axe body spray to cover up body odor, others buy it for more nefarious purposes. In fact, “fire departments and burn centers say, boys purchase the product…to turn the highly flammable contents into explosives and miniature flamethrowers.” This misuse of aerosol deodorant can have grave consequences–from charges of arson, to ending up in a hospital with second or third degree burns. 

Charging a phone in bed. Another local ABC news report out of New Hampshire found that the heat generated from charging a phone in bed could set your child’s sheets aflame. The Newton New Hampshire fire department shared a photo of a phone charger that had burned through sheets and a blanket along with a warning against charging your phone in bed. “The likely result is that the pillow/bed will catch fire. This places the child/teen as well as everyone else in the home in great danger.”
Fidget spinners gone rogue. While fidget spinners seemed like a harmless distraction for antsy kids, they can have dangerous side effects. Time Magazine reported that two mothers–one in Alabama and one in Michigan–were shocked when their child’s bluetooth-enabled fidget spinner had burst into flames. According to the article, both of “the spinners were plugged into outlets, and when they caught on fire the toys melted and burned the surfaces they were sitting on.”

Keeping Your Children Safe

While you might not be able to stop teenagers from engaging in risky behavior, you can take steps to ensure that their bad decisions won’t result in tragic home fires. The best thing you can do for your family is to invest in monitored Smoke Guardian smoke detectors, which will guarantee timely intervention to home fires before they turn deadly.

In addition to the traditional hazards that lead to home fires, such as candles and hidden cigarettes, older children and teenagers may be exposing your home to hidden fire hazards. As it turns out, they could be exhibiting fire-risky behavior when it comes to where they charge their phones, where they keep their fidget spinners, and even using aerosol deodorant.

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