Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts

April 16, 2012

Is Technology Terrifying?

Does the New Flying Car Scare You As Much As It Scares Me?

Technology has always been something that terrified me.

Not in the way that you’re thinking. I’m not afraid to use tech. If anything, I’m the first to embrace the newest thing and to marvel at it’s implications. The world is changing faster than is ever has before in human history, and it has been a lot of fun to be present for. I often think about how incredible it must be for the oldest among us who saw the world change from a time when a horse and buggy were the primary forms of transportation to the world as it is today, where transference of information between anywhere in the world is almost instantaneous. I envy how incredible that journey must have been for them, but I’m equally as excited about my own journey and optimistic that I will see something just as incredible, if not more so. I just hope that I live to be old enough to see what the future holds.

Today I saw the video for a new flying car that could potentially be on the market in the next few years, and I am petrified by the thought. See, technology scares me because it changes everything. The internet and the personal computer have completely changed the way the world communicates, and we will never be able to go back to the way it was before. Could a flying car do the same thing for the way we travel? In a few years could we be driving to a sky-way exit instead of a free way exit? Could getting across the country take only a few hours instead of a few days?

The idea of a vehicle we can back out of our drive way, drive to a run way and then take off and fly it where we want is, for me at least, a simultaneously exciting and scary thing. I think about the exciting possibilities of people being able to travel great distances in much shorter spans of time. I think about families who live in different parts of the country and will be able to see each other more often, about business people who will spend less time traveling, about the tourism that could be generated by making a cheap, easy way to travel great distances. All of these things are incredible advances, and surely everyone will benefit from them. What am I afraid of? But then I think about what could disappear from our lives. What will happen to the airline industry? Where will those jobs go? Stewardesses, pilots, airport security personnel, I’m sure the jobs won’t disappear entirely, but I imagine if this flying car thing becomes a consumer level product there certainly wont be as many of them. I even think about the cultural affects.

The thrill of air travel will leave us. What will happen to all of the classic airline food jokes we all love to hate? All of these changes scare me, because I think that the hardest thing to remember about life is that if you stand still you fall behind. I do not want to fall behind, but I’m afraid that I wont be able to keep up.

What do you think? Am I being paranoid? Are flying cars going to be awesome, or are they going to change things for the worse?


March 10, 2010

Microsoft researcher converts his brain into 'e-memory'

By John D. Sutter

Microsoft Office 2010 Home & Student(CNN) -- For the past decade, Microsoft researcher Gordon Bell has been moving the data from his brain onto computers -- where he knows it will be safe.

Sure, you could say all of us do this to some extent. We save digital pictures from family events and keep tons of e-mail.

But Bell, who is 75 years old, takes the idea of digital memory to a sci-fi-esque extreme. He carries around video equipment, cameras and audio recorders to capture his conversations, commutes, trips and experiences. Microsoft is working on a Sense Cam that would hang around a person's neck and automatically capture every detail of life in photo form. Bell has given that a whirl. He also saves everything -- from restaurant receipts (he takes pictures of them) to correspondence, bills and medical records. He makes PDF files out of every Web page he views.

The Microsoft Certified Application Specialist Study GuideIn sum, this mountain of data -- more than 350 gigabytes worth, not including the streaming audio and video -- is a replica of Bell's biological memory. It's actually better, he says, because, if you back up your data in enough places, this digitized "e-memory" never forgets. It's like having a multimedia transcript of your life.

By about 2020, he says, our entire life histories will be online and searchable. Location-aware smart phones and inexpensive digital memory storage in the "cloud" of the Internet make the transition possible and inevitable. No one will have to fret about storing the details of their lives in their heads anymore. We'll have computers for that. And this revolution will "change what it means to be human," he writes.
Bell, who, along with fellow researcher Jim Gemmell, is the author of a new book called "Total Recall," talked with CNN about the advantages and drawbacks of recording one's life in painstaking digital detail. The following is an edited transcript.

CNN: What have you learned about yourself through this process?

That's been a really hard question to answer. ... The main driver of the recall turns out to be a [computer] screensaver or something where I go looking for [a digital memory] and I find something else. I guess it's the rich set of connections and people that I've been involved with.

CNN: What do you use to record your memories?

In a way, most of what happens during the day is sort of routine -- what you've done before. So I carry the Sense Cam only when I think there's an episode or a sequence or a certain set of events that I want to capture and have automatically photographed. But I tend to always carry a camera with me. I live next to a fire station and I've got lots of photos of the hook and ladder coming out of the house. And I like food so I tend to photograph wonderfully presented food all the time. To me those are very pleasant memories.

CNN: If we rely on computers instead of our brains, will humans become mentally sluggish?

That's certainly one of the concerns. I tend to counter that theory. To me, I feel a lot freer. In a way I feel like I still remember all that stuff, but I generally remember that [the computer is] remembering something for me so I can find it.

People have no memory of phone numbers now because of the cell phone -- their address book is in a cell phone. So I don't think they're getting any worse or any less facile about that. What an e-memory does, to me, is gives me a really wonderful free feeling.

CNN: If we all record audio of our lives, do you think conversations will become stilted and fake?

I think there will be a lot of court cases and lawyering around all of that. I'm personally less hung up about that. Certainly, people my age and Baby Boomers are. But the current X-Generation, [they think] this is pretty natural.

CNN: Are you on Facebook and Twitter?

Scosche BFGM GM LAN BlueFusion Interface Module for Factory Hands FreeYeah, I'm on Facebook and Twitter and occasionally I will tweet something. Somehow my problem is that I don't think I have anything interesting to tweet about.

CNN: Should all of our memories and observations be public?

Absolutely not. Our own memories are our own private thing, and how much you choose to have on Facebook or blogs, that's your thing.

CNN: What does your family think about your effort to record everything?

Gradually, everybody is getting this idea. ... Think of it: You are a librarian for your life. Somebody has to be the family librarian.

CNN: Are you worried about losing your memory?

The Social Media Bible: Tactics, Tools, and Strategies for Business Success... Forgetting is not a feature, it's a flaw. I don't think forgetting is an important feature of human memory. I think it's important to be able to remember things accurately.

CNN: Are there any memories you deleted?

No. When we were scanning stuff I had written a memo about a company, an unpleasant company -- probably the only company I was ever ashamed to be a part of. ...

I put a note on that file that said, "Don't ever scan or copy this!" My assistant who was doing the scanning ran across this and said, "What do you want me to do with this?" And I said, "Well, gee. This is my life." I said, "It's OK, just go ahead." So it's all there.

CNN: Do you think it's possible for people to turn away from new technologies? Or are advances like "Total Recall" inevitable?

Kindle: Amazon's Original Wireless Reading Device (1st generation)I think it's inevitable because so much content is being created. Virtually everything is coming in digitally -- everything from your photos to your videos to your music. ... I will love that day when the world is just bits. It's the ultimate in green, by the way.

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