Showing posts with label Gay and lesbians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gay and lesbians. Show all posts

April 27, 2010

Why Would Sexual Orientation Define Patrotism?

by. Leah Rampolla

The Pentagon will soon review the U.S. military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy. Legislation has already been introduced that would not only lift the ban it would also specifically prohibit sexual orientation discrimination against U.S. servicemen and women. Sen. Mark Udall defended the legislation: "We need all the qualified service members we have to fight.We shouldn't be dismissing them just because they're gay." 
Fighting simultaneous wars in two countries as well as providing disaster relief to countries like Chile and Haiti who are still reeling from natural disasters has stretched the military to the limit. Dismissing a qualified and much needed soldier because of their sexual orientation is not only unfair to the soldier it is detrimental to the country's military as a whole. Why would a soldier's personal sexual preferences have an bearing on their desire or ability to serve their country? Many who oppose the repeal of the ban believe that "a unit's morale and sense of cohesion could erode if the unit included an openly gay member."
Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)(Associated Press) True comradarie and soldier professionalism should supersede any kind of personal issues  that one soldier has with another soldier in their unit including sexual preference. These types of laws are reminiscient of the civil rights movement. Replace the words "gay and lesbian" with "black and Hispanic" and you will find that it  is the same type of bigotry with new targets. The parallels between the civil rights movement and the current issue with gays and lesbians in the military are undeniable. Like race, I believe that sexual orientation is genetically inherent and that a person is indeed "born gay." I find it hard to believe that someone would willingly choose to live a life of ridicule and ostracization and "choose to be" or "become" gay. 
Sex, Self and Society: The Social Context of Sexuality (with InfoTracĀ®) (Wadsworth Sociology Reader)As history and hind sight has shown this country, it was asinine to segregate troops according to ther ethnicity and treat them as inferior soldiers. Minority soldiers have shown there abilities and prowess to defend this country just a well as their Anglo counterparts. The same principle applies here. Gay and lesbians have a right to serve their country and be open about who they are while doing so.

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