Showing posts with label social issues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social issues. Show all posts

May 19, 2010

The Economic Double Standard

The inequity of the economic double standard existing between the worlds general populous and their respective governments and financial institutions is untenable and is about to come apart at the seams.

If the average individual or businesses make ill informed or rash financial decisions, then they only have themselves to blame and will ultimately bear the consequences of their actions; they will lose their wealth, property, businesses and will probably be forced into bankruptcy as a result. Nobody can really argue with that scenario as it has always been that way; they are the rules of the game, no harm, no foul.
That is until the recent past, where the rules and the playing field have been radically changed. The inequity and double standard arises when the burden of government and other institutional conglomerates miscalculations, debt, and greed, are solely and disproportionately applied to individuals who had no control or bear no responsibility for the actions undertaken by them.

As a general populous the world over, we are being forced to pay the debt and interest on $38 trillion of public loans we did not want, negotiate or sign up for. Why! Because global governments in their infinite wisdom made the decision for us.

The act of trying to borrow ones way out of debt is incongruous with all the laws of finance, yet governments the world over are doing  just that. Why? Because they are petrified of the only other option; allowing society to realign itself to become a saner, reasonable, moral and more rational, value driven civilization. It will happen, this realignment is the inevitable consequence of decades of social and economic malfeasance by both governments and financial institutions the world over. The general populous also have to shoulder some of the blame, because they have allowed themselves to be sucked into this delusional morass of modern day commercialism.

We are living in a society, obsessed with money; businesses and individuals alike act solely for profit, everything they do has an excessive emphasis on making profit. Society as a whole has lost its way, the things that should matter don’t and the things that shouldn’t matter do.

Life should be about the things that make us happy, contented and fulfil our needs and not about the incessant pursuit of intangible assets which add little or nothing to the quality of our lives. Just take a look around you; of everything you can see what percentage of those items does one actually need to live life in relative comfort and harmony. We are continually being cajoled into buying stuff (I use this word because anything we don’t need in the true sense of the word is STUFF) that has absolutely no practical use in our everyday lives.

We have become a hedonistic society of self gratifying, self indulgent, pleasure seeking humans who do everything to excess. All in the name of commercialism.

As an example we drive cars, with a multiplicity of body shapes, different engine sizes, performance ratings, and roominess why? Transportation is transportation whichever way you look at it; the reality is we need the ability to get from A to B, safely, economically and in relative comfort. We have speed limits which restrict our top speeds; then what is the point of owning a car with the capacity do travel at over twice those limits. The fuel we use to power our vehicles has draconian levels of taxation applied to it all in the name of energy conservation, and pollution control; it is all about big business, taxation and money, none of it makes any sense.

The bottom line is money is a great slave, but a terrible master. Unfortunately as a global society we are the ones who have become slaves to money, and all the worthless accoutrements that it can buy.

Billions of people face decades of personal and family hardship because of the reckless actions of the worlds banking and financial service industry. Draconian levels of taxation, vicious cuts to public services and devaluation of our personal wealth will be the order of the day; the question becomes, will the general public meekly lie down and accept the medicine being doled out by governments or will they react and demand radical change to a morally and financially bankrupt society.

I don’t know what the future holds in store, but I do know society cannot continue on its current path without serious consequences.

May 12, 2010

Childhood Obesity

By. Leah Rampolla

The following information was obtained from Georgetown University’ website in an article entitled: Childhood Obesity: Life Long Threat to Health. Statistics from NHIS (National Health Interview Survey) and MEPS (Medical Expenditure Panel Survey) have indicated that 14 million children; 24% of the U.S. population ages 2-17 are obese and an additional 8.6 million children are at risk for obesity. Obesity is a risk factor for 4 of the 10 leading causes of death in the United States: coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and cancer. Obesity and physical inactivity account for more than 300,000 premature deaths annually.

Underage and Overweight: America's Childhood Obesity Epidemic--What Every Parent Needs to KnowSedentary lifestyles and physical inactivity may be risk factors for obesity in youth. Two factors that have contributed to the decline of physical activity of youth are: a greater reliance on television and computers for entertainment as well as decreased participation in physical education classes in school. Over one quarter; 26% of 8-16 year olds watch more than 4 hours of television on a daily basis. 43% of high school students watch more than 2 hours of television on school days. The number of high school students who participated in gym class decreased from 46% in 1991 to 29% in 1999.

Older children are more at risk for obesity which is why the number of high school students who do not participate in gym class is of particular concern. 17% of 6-17 year olds are at risk for obesity while 10% of children under the age of 6 are at risk. Obesity is detrimental to quality of life and is a risk factor for premature death.

The Truth About Childhood ObesityIn addition to children’s health and quality of life, obesity has a negative impact on America’s health care system. 70% of total health care expenditures for obese children are financed by Medicaid and private insurance while 26% of healthcare costs for obese children are paid out of pocket. This is a significant issue for low income families where obesity is most prevalent. Medicaid provides health insurance for over 4 million obese children. 1/3 or 30% of obese children are covered under Medicaid compared to 18% of non obese children.

It is important that obesity in children be addressed at an early age. Obese children under the age of three are generally low risk for adult obesity, but more than half of obese children over 6 are obese adults.  Obese children ages 12-17 are 70-80% likely to be obese adults.  In addition to health risks, the quality of life is also affected. Obese children ages 12-17 that are unhappy often have long term consequences for their emotional and mental well being as adults.

X-Halers Smokeless Cigarette and CD Stop Smoking ProgramObesity and overweight may soon cause as much preventable disease and death as cigarette smoking. 430,000 people die annually from tobacco related conditions; 300,000 people die annually, 1,200 daily from illnesses related to obesity or overweight.  According to the National Institute of Health, weight loss of 15 pounds could reduce the risk of diabetes by 58% in those close to developing the disease.  Increasing physical activity among more than 88 million inactive Americans over the age of 15 could reduce annual health care costs by as much as $77 billion.

Kindle: Amazon's Original Wireless Reading Device (1st generation)This suggests that minimal lifestyle changes perpetuate significant improvements in one’s health. Exercising more and eating less can promote lifelong good health, improve quality of life, and help prevent disease.  Eating more of the right foods is also an important part in promoting and maintaining good health. Foods like fruits, vegetables, and Popcake pancakes that are low calorie, low fat, and low cholesterol are one of many easy choices that can be made to live a long, healthy, and happy life.

May 3, 2010

Nutrition: Childhood Obesity

Trevor Gardner, an expert author in health and fitness, points out that there are five primary problems that are caused by childhood obesity. Elevated counts of cholesterol which is directly related to increased stroke and/or heart attack potential, liver disease due to insulin resistance, increases in diabetes cases, reduction in life expectancy, and the emotional and mental trauma that results from bullying and can cause significant self esteem and self worth issues.  The CDC has confirmed that the youngest generation is facing a shorter life expectancy than their parents for the first time in history. Over the past fifteen years, obesity rates in young children have doubled and have nearly tripled in teenagers.

According to information from an article written by Tess Thompson entitled: Childhood Obesity Health Risks, Diagnosis, and Treatment,   childhood obesity is the primary cause of various adult diseases being reported in children and adolescents.  There has been a 400% increase in the number of obese children six and older in the last 2 1/2 decades. Obesity is a health risk that is a catalyst for other health problems such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, orthopedic complications, sleep-apnea, depression, and asthma.

According to the website Kidshealth, one out of three children are now considered overweight or obese. Overweight and obesity are determined by BMI or Body Mass Index. BMI uses height and weight measurements to estimate the amount of body fat on a person. To determine BMI for pounds and inches- divide weight by height squared and multiply the result by the conversion factor 703.  There are four BMI categories: underweight BMI which falls below the 5th percentile, normal weight BMI which reaches the 5th percentile and is less than the 85th percentile, overweight BMI which reaches the 85th percentile but does not exceed the 95th percentile, and an obese BMI which is at or above the 95th percentile.

Children who are unhappy or uncomfortable with their weight are more prone to developing eating disorders like anorexia nervosa and bulimia, depression, and substance abuse. Children who are overweight and obese are at risk for medical problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, abnormal blood lipid levels, insulin resistance, liver and gallbladder disease, and bone and joint problems. Restless or disordered sleep patterns may also result from overweight and obesity.  Overweight and obese youth have a tendency to mature earlier and may be taller and more sexually mature. Females may have irregular menstrual cycles and fertility issues in adulthood.

The ill effects of overweight and obesity with children are far reaching. Not only can their health be detrimentally affected, it may also cause emotional and mental stress. Both the physical and mental effects of obesity can follow children into adulthood and create a lifelong struggle. Parents can help their children lead healthy lives by teaching them about proper nutrition and regular physical exercise. Food such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low fat, low calorie foods like Popcake pancakes are all smart choices that children can make to promote a happy and healthy lifestyle.

April 27, 2010

Why Would Sexual Orientation Define Patrotism?

by. Leah Rampolla

The Pentagon will soon review the U.S. military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy. Legislation has already been introduced that would not only lift the ban it would also specifically prohibit sexual orientation discrimination against U.S. servicemen and women. Sen. Mark Udall defended the legislation: "We need all the qualified service members we have to fight.We shouldn't be dismissing them just because they're gay." 
Fighting simultaneous wars in two countries as well as providing disaster relief to countries like Chile and Haiti who are still reeling from natural disasters has stretched the military to the limit. Dismissing a qualified and much needed soldier because of their sexual orientation is not only unfair to the soldier it is detrimental to the country's military as a whole. Why would a soldier's personal sexual preferences have an bearing on their desire or ability to serve their country? Many who oppose the repeal of the ban believe that "a unit's morale and sense of cohesion could erode if the unit included an openly gay member."
Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)(Associated Press) True comradarie and soldier professionalism should supersede any kind of personal issues  that one soldier has with another soldier in their unit including sexual preference. These types of laws are reminiscient of the civil rights movement. Replace the words "gay and lesbian" with "black and Hispanic" and you will find that it  is the same type of bigotry with new targets. The parallels between the civil rights movement and the current issue with gays and lesbians in the military are undeniable. Like race, I believe that sexual orientation is genetically inherent and that a person is indeed "born gay." I find it hard to believe that someone would willingly choose to live a life of ridicule and ostracization and "choose to be" or "become" gay. 
Sex, Self and Society: The Social Context of Sexuality (with InfoTracĀ®) (Wadsworth Sociology Reader)As history and hind sight has shown this country, it was asinine to segregate troops according to ther ethnicity and treat them as inferior soldiers. Minority soldiers have shown there abilities and prowess to defend this country just a well as their Anglo counterparts. The same principle applies here. Gay and lesbians have a right to serve their country and be open about who they are while doing so.

Tracking Cell Phones Without Warrants a Constitutional Violation

In Philadelphia, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals presided over arguments to determine the Constitionality of tracking cell phone location and records without warrants. It is likely that the case will make its way to the Supreme Court. In the age of terrorism- domestic and international- it is prudent that the Justice Department have access to the cell phone records of a terrorist suspect. With the records the Justice Department can pinpoint the location of a suspected terrorist or access possible terrorist networks through cell phone records. 
However, this should not be permitted without a warrant.The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states: " The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." 

According to the Fourth Admendment, a warrant can't even be issued without establishing prior probable cause for the warrant.  A reasonable expectation of privacy is not ensured when the government is scrutinizing and tracking your phone calls without a warrant or even notification that you are being monitored. Warrants are a crucial way to ensure government transparency- as much transparency as possible anyway, and to prove to the suspect that there is probable cause and the reason for the seizure is justified and valid. 

Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)Catherine Crump of the ACLU  told the Philadelphia Inquirer: "We agree that cell phone tracking is lawful and appropriate in certain situations. The question is whether the government should first have to show that it has good reason to think such tracking will turn up evidence of a crime."  Absolutely agreed.  In a court of law the "burden of proof" is the responsibility of the prosecution. In this case, the prosecution is the U.S. government and the burden of proof lies on their shoulders. Warrants are an excellent way to demonstrate the validity of the investigation and also serve as a means to uphold the Fourth Amendment. The government should be able to access cell phone records for the sake of national security- but a lack of a warrant allows for arbitrary and invalid searches that have not been legitimately substantiated.

New Case Logic 3.5" CRT-Style GPS Case - Black GPSP-3 Durable Molded EVA Exterior Stylish Finish The likelihood of governmental abuse is assured. A lack of a warrant is  synonymous with a complete lack of  outside governmental controls.Thanks to bills like the Patriot Act, the U.S. government has been running amok. Tracking phone records without warrants is another symptom of the diesease of nefarious government control and a direct violation of Constitutional Rights and civil liberties. A frightening but possible outcome is the Supreme Court ruling in favor of the government. If that happens every citizen can kiss their reasonable expectation of privacy good bye.

April 26, 2010

The Decline of Thought

by. Leah Rampolla

People don't want to think anymore and the mass media is eager to accommodate. How many channels of mindless garbage do people willingly pay money for?  People are so eager to enjoy the humiliation and misfortune of other people in the name of trashy entertainment. What's even more perverse is the fact that the these people on "reality" TV shows willingly put themselves in the position to be humiliated. Degradation is now the most sought after form of American entertainment. Jerry Springer may very well become the next U.S. president. 

How about all of those commercials - the insidious manipulation of human insecurities for commercial gains.Are you fat? Ugly? Bald? Bad teeth? Stinky feet? Buy this product and all of the insecurities that have been pounded into to your head by your television set will be gone forever for only three payments of $99.99. Your self worth can only be measured by your physical appearance- just ask any of the soap opera gods and goddesses. People are willing to obey their media gods without question so long as they keep shoveling out the idiotic drivel to keep them passively entertained. It's so much easier to laugh at that guy on American Idol who sounds like a chipmunk in a blender then to think about issues that affect you on a grass roots level. 

Paying attention to the things that actually affect you would make you start thinking that maybe you should do something to change these things and that would require thought and effort. Me? Be proactive and make an effort to add something meaningful and positive to the macrocosm? That sounds scary- quick change the channel! That's right just keeping worshipping your media god- they'll take good care of you as long as you remain a good little placid, mindless sheep that continues to make them obscene profits through TV ratings and the purchases of products that are utterly useless. Let them keep control of you through fear and let them keep thinking for you. You want to fit in don't you? You want to be up on all of those shows that everyone else watches- you don't want to be different do you?

Different is, well different and that can be scary. What even scarier is the fact that so many people choose to let the media dictate their life. Scariest of all is the soulless money grabbing, rampant corporate greed that has come to define the media and that people live their lives by what the media says. Do yourself a favor- kill your television.

April 16, 2010

Expectable Endowment

 by Arthur Doyle

If you’re anything like me, you are probably in the top percentage of “Awesome Gift Givers”.  There isn’t a friend that can resist our charming and unique gifts.  Recipients of our bequests open their packages as blubbering tears of joy trickle off their enthused faces as we pose in statuesque fashion.  We are the makers of creative memories and perpetual elation.   We are so great…  no wait…  I’m none of that.  As far as women go, I am horrendous at finding a decent present.  To me, gift giving easily becomes a prolonged over-analytical quest for unusual gift ideas which usually end up back firing and make me seem as if I have not given any thought to it at all.  And I refuse to accept gift cards as valid birthday gift ideas.  Besides, can you think of any other reason why the gift card business is still afloat besides being last minute gift ideas.  Nothing screams “Here take this and shut up” more than a gift card.  It is awfully impersonal and restricting.  Why not just stick a crisp bill in a card and call it the day.  Sure, you may come off as unoriginal but at least you won’t be cursed by the heir of your dreadful offering because there is still $2.17 in change on the card after being use and you can’t use it anywhere else.  “Man, I can really use a cool refreshing beverage right now but this vending machine doesn’t take a Barnes & Noble card”.  Buying a gift for women is tough but I suppose it works both ways.
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     I was ease dropping on my girlfriend the other day and I over heard her friend talking about the perfect boyfriend gift.  Her friend said something along the lines of “I want to buy the perfect present for him but I don’t know what to get”.  That’s when I shouted “get him a new girlfriend”.  Men are generally easy to buy gifts for, minus the occasional prima-donna..  Get him tickets to see his favorite band or sports team, get him a phone upgrade, take him out to dinner and drinks at his favorite restaurant, subscription to Sports-Illustrated, National Geographic, GQ or whatever he is into. (Maybe Playboy…  Roahrrr).  The point is put a little effort in knowing your man and it should be a no-brainer.  And clothes should be avoided at every cost.  People like what they like and usually do not submit well to the taste of others place on them.  Trust me… 90% chances your sweater gift won’t be a hit.  You’re better off giving a gift card and we are all aware how fantastic gift cards are. 

  This past December was my girlfriend’s birthday and I bought her a women’s dream gift… a vacuum.  It didn’t go as well as I thought it would.  No, I didn’t do that… that would be silly.  I took her out and let her pick out the gift of her choice and then I just paid for it.  It was definitely a win-win situation but I can’t help but feel like I cheated her in some way.  Should I have put the extra effort in finding personalized gifts?  I would have to say yes but there’s no need to fret because there’s always next year and Christmas… and Valentine’s Day… and Groundhog’s Day, Columbus Day, etc.  The way I see it, I have plenty of chances to make it up.

Racially Influenced Comments Versus the Race Card

by Arthur Doyle

Why has racism become such a clichƩ in America? Around the holiday season in 2009, I read about Heather Ellis, an African American daughter of a pastor, who cut in line in a Wal-Mart in Missouri. She claims that she merely switched checkout lanes to join her cousin. Whatever the truth may be- is this particular incident honestly worthy of the national exposure it's receiving, or is this just another great example of built-up racial anger that was horrendously unnecessary? I guess we need to face the R-word... racism. It grabs the average person's attention and nothing makes a better crutch to lazy journalism than this softball, dilettantish drivel.

The general public will consume it and the media will force it down our throats like green cough syrup. Many people realize that racism is still a real problem in America, and there still are many injustices committed to minorities even in today's day and age. Yet in this particular case of an African American female, who allegedly cut in front of people at a Wal-Mart checkout line, accused police officers and patrons of racism and inappropriate remarks which caused her outrage. Maybe? Or maybe now this small town in the southern/mid part of the U.S might get a special visit from the ever-opportunistic Reverend Al Sharpton if the people of Kennett, Missouri can scrape together $65,000 for his appearance fees. If she was in the right, then why was she treated like a criminal; because she became angry, because she is angry, or because she is a black woman living in the southern part of the United States? But, if she was completely in the wrong, in the sense of appropriate public behavior as one human being to another, then what? Why can’t facts and logic dictate who’s at fault without blurring the issue with color? Why does there even need to be a discussion about ulterior motives for someone neglecting the existence of another human being two feet away from them? I believe that may say it all, if that was the case.

Here is a genius quote from a sixteen year old ward of the state that I used to mentor in 2001. He said, “Sometimes an inconsiderate jerk is called an inconsiderate jerk for being an inconsiderate jerk.” If she was inconsiderate and cut in line, then she’s an extremely selfish and entitled person who happens to be black, and her action was wrong, period. Yet race is the focus? If racial slurs were thrown at her then it was handled wrong, period. I guess the eye-for-an-eye biblical fallacy or the Machiavellian egocentric idea that the end justifies the means are still popular American misconceptions. Legally, who wins a stalemate?

On a side note, doesn't a racial comment usually begin by looking over your shoulder or something like that? How angry does a "Christian Caucasian American" living below the Mason-Dixon Line have to be to say those things to another human being? Here's the reality of the situation- if a person thinks it (racially charged comment) and doesn't say anything at that moment it's just as bad as saying it. This person isn't any different from the white hooded angry racist who blames minorities for this country's problems and who usually detinates the “N- word” into the air like a pipe bomb for emphasis. Instead, they’re covert like the CIA or PETA for that matter. This person may feel vindicated by showing restraint of their impulses, or on the other hand, they may just verbalize these racial comments when driving in their car with the windows up. Either way, that's where the problem originates in people, with a thought.

The truth is that these words only hold weight because many people allow these words to affect or control their emotions in either direction-as a victim or as an aggressor. Unfortunately, let’s face it, the unconscious result of anger comes from being hurt, and in this case, anger got the best of many involved. Ask yourself this, if someone intentionally says something hurtful to you, deserving or not, and you become angry, do you want to hurt the person responsible or do you hurt the person responsible? Some may retaliate by force, others by words, yet some just don’t care to engage in negativity because of its irrelevance. Which one are you?
Whitewashing Race: The Myth of a Color-Blind Society

Here's a question- What is the easiest insult to come up with about another person? The obvious easiest insult is what you can see. Is it human nature to want to hurt when you are hurt? Maybe for some, but the fact is it shouldn't matter. Today, the punitive ideology of control especially with race has become more subtle, less obvious. Thankfully, the days of drawing the racial line with German Shepherds and fire hoses are long gone, but since when did Newton’s Law of Reciprocal Action, “for every action there is an opposite action or reaction,” develop an exception to the rule because of the race card?

Between Barack and a Hard Place: Racism and White Denial in the Age of ObamaLike the Tawana Brawley incident in 1988, the impact it had on the racism only widen the rift between everyone's view. Will the race card ever be tossed away and replaced by “you know what, I was wrong. I’m sorry.” This crying wolf scenario in the name of racism has been overused to the point that it’s unemotionally numbing and discredited even if there is truth in the matter. It’s disheartening to know that minorities with legitimate complaints may be stereotyped by most, right from the start. And those stereotypes are ramifications to stories like the woman who couldn’t wait in line at Wal-Mart; like the Harvard Professor who broke into his own home and was arrested, or the Columbian Professor who punched a white lady in the face during a heated racial discussion at a local bar. Being a minority isn’t an excuse for acting impulsively. Maybe this insignificant racial tug of war about blame won’t change in my lifetime, or maybe I’m being idealistic, thinking that we can evolve past these petty differences. The discussion needs to be addressed with emotions turned off and the beliefs which initiate them. Here in the United States, we can only begin to achieve this by taking personal responsibility for ourselves, without any internal blame or outside influences. This would undoubtedly eliminate the invisible battle lines and true progress can occur. But if lines of communication fail, so does this experiment called America.

March 23, 2010

Fear and Control

By Kathy Wilson

Fear has many uses. It can be used as a warning to keep you from entering into a situation that might hurt you. It can be used to motivate you away from something, such as a harmful relationship or a dangerous situation. It can also be used by others to control you.

How do people use fear to control others? When you understand what happens physiologically when people experience fear it becomes quite easy, as you'll see.

There is a part of your brain that exists solely for your survival called the "reptilian" brain, which is the original part of your brain. As humans evolved, our brains grew and other parts were added, such as the limbic system which deals with emotions and the cerebral portion which is the thinking part. This reptilian brain is located at the stem of the brain, securely protected by the rest of the brain. When all other parts of the brain are non-functional, this part will still be ticking away, assuring your physical survival.

When you experience the emotion of fear, your reptilian brain goes into action and the rest of your brain shuts down. The function of this part of your brain is to support you either to fight or in flight. When you are in the emotional state of fear, you have two choices and everything you do will be based on one of those choices.

If you're thinking, "Hoo haa- We're too advanced for that", remember the last time you were in a very disagreeable situation. Were you wanting to have a nice cozy, loving chat with the other person? Not likely. Probably you were wanting to get away from them and escape the uncomfortableness. Or maybe you were thinking how satisfying it would be if they got a comeuppance. These are flight and fight reactions.

Additionally, when you are experiencing fear, your entire body goes into fight or flight mode. All your blood is redirected to the parts that are needed for fight or flight - your heart, lungs, muscles, and your reptilian brain. The rest of your brain is left with only enough blood to keep it on idle, which means that you have no capability for rational or creative thought. It's all black or white, yes or no, good or evil. In this state you do not have the ability to think of alternative solutions to the situation. Only run or fight.

How ideal for the military! If they keep masses of people in fear and educate them in the many ways to kill other humans, they have a ready, willing, able, and non-thinking military force. This falls right into alignment with the basic premise of the military: follow orders without question (or without thinking). Whoever came up with the idea of using fear like this was a real genius. Just look at what they've created.

The polarity thinking that is created by fear can also be used very easily and effectively on the general populace by our politicians and other powers. Look at how our own country is divided right now by the fear that has been promoted by the current administration. They are continually coming up with new ways of keeping the citizens of the U.S. in a state of fear. The "security alert" with it's color coding is perfect. All they have to do is change the color of it to turn the level of fear in this country up or down, just like controlling the flow of water in a faucet.

Smart Calling: Eliminate the Fear, Failure, and Rejection From Cold CallingWhat's the answer? First, get yourself out of the state of fear. In order to be able to think you need to be able to use the other parts of your brain. If you are having difficulty getting out of fear, here are a few things you can do:

TURN OFF YOUR TELEVISION- Especially the news. Have you ever felt wonderful, or even good, after you watched the news? Even the commercials are designed to make you feel sick and fearful.

Get in touch with the earth. Go for a walk without your cell phone or CD player and truly pay attention to the beauty that surrounds you. Notice all the things that are there to support you - trees for shade, all vegetation for oxygen, ants to clean up the minutest messes, birds to spread seed for more plants to grow.

Show appreciation to your body by giving it something nice - a massage, a cup of herbal tea, organic food, pure water. It will thank you by feeling more energized.

Don't hang around negative people or people who are being negative at the time. You don't need to absorb their fear any more than you need to absorb the fear from the news on TV.

As you begin to emerge from the state of fear and can once again think rationally and creatively, look at how you can create unity in your life instead of the polarity caused by fear. The world will thank you.

This Kid Can Play

March 18, 2010

Scientists Study the ABCs of Fear

There’s a trick to panic attacks,” said David Carbonell, a Chicago psychologist specializing in treating anxiety disorders. “You’re experiencing this powerful discomfort but you’re getting tricked into treating it like danger.”

According to the WASHINGTON (AP): Science is getting a grip on people's fears.

As Americans revel in all things scary on Halloween, scientists say they now know better what's going on inside our brains when a spook jumps out and scares us. Knowing how fear rules the brain should lead to treatments for a major medical problem: When irrational fears go haywire.

"We're making a lot of progress," said University of Michigan psychology professor Stephen Maren. "We're taking all of what we learned from the basic studies of animals and bringing that into the clinical practices that help people. Things are starting to come together in a very important way."

About 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety disorders, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. A Harvard Medical School study estimated the annual cost to the U.S. economy in 1999 at roughly $42 billion.

Fear is a basic primal emotion that is key to evolutionary survival. It's one we share with animals. Genetics plays a big role in the development of overwhelming -- and needless -- fear, psychologists say. But so do traumatic events.

"Fear is a funny thing," said Ted Abel, a fear researcher at the University of Pennsylvania. "One needs enough of it, but not too much of it."

Armi Rowe, a Connecticut freelance writer and mother, said she used to be "one of those rational types who are usually calm under pressure." She was someone who would downhill ski the treacherous black diamond trails of snowy mountains. Then one day, in the midst of coping with a couple of serious illnesses in her family, she felt fear closing in on her while driving alone. The crushing pain on her chest felt like a heart attack. She called 911.

Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)"I was literally frozen with fear," she said. It was an anxiety attack. The first of many.

The first sign she would get would be sweaty palms and then a numbness in the pit of the stomach and queasiness. Eventually it escalated until she felt as if she was being attacked by a wild animal.

"There's a trick to panic attack," said David Carbonell, a Chicago psychologist specializing in treating anxiety disorders. "You're experiencing this powerful discomfort but you're getting tricked into treating it like danger."

These days, thanks to counseling, self-study, calming exercises and introspection, Rowe knows how to stop or at least minimize those attacks early on.
Scientists figure they can improve that fear-dampening process by learning how fear runs through the brain and body.
The fear hot spot is the amygdala, an almond-shaped part of the deep brain.

The amygdala isn't responsible for all of people's fear response, but it's like the burglar alarm that connects to everything else, said New York University psychology and neural science professor Elizabeth Phelps.

Emory University psychiatry and psychology professor Michael Davis found that a certain chemical reaction in the amygdala is crucial in the way mice and people learn to overcome fear. When that reaction is deactivated in mice, they never learn to counter their fears.

Scientists found D-cycloserine, a drug already used to fight hard-to-treat tuberculosis, strengthens that good chemical reaction in mice. Working in combination with therapy, it seems to do the same in people. It was first shown effective with people who have a fear of heights. It also worked in tests with other types of fear, and it's now being studied in survivors of the World Trade Center attacks and the Iraq war.

The work is promising, but Michigan's Maren cautions that therapy will still be needed: "You're not going to be able to take a pill and make these things go away."

Amazon Kindle Black Leather Cover w/ strap (Fits 6" Display, Latest Generation Kindle)When it comes to ruling the brain, fear often is king, scientists say.
"Fear is the most powerful emotion," said University of California Los Angeles psychology professor Michael Fanselow.

People recognize fear in other humans faster than other emotions, according to a new study being published next month. Research appearing in the journal Emotion involved volunteers who were bombarded with pictures of faces showing fear, happiness and no expression. They quickly recognized and reacted to the faces of fear- even when it was turned upside down.

"We think we have some built-in shortcuts of the brain that serve the role that helps us detect anything that could be threatening," said study author Vanderbilt University psychology professor David Zald.

Other studies have shown that just by being very afraid, other bodily functions change. One study found that very frightened people can withstand more pain than those not experiencing fear. Another found that experiencing fear or merely perceiving it in others improved people's attention and brain skills.

To help overcome overwhelming fear, psychologist Carbonell, author of the "Panic Attacks Workbook," has his patients distinguish between a real threat and merely a perceived one. They practice fear attacks and their response to them. He even has them fill out questionnaires in the middle of a fear attack, which changes their thinking and causes reduces their anxiety.

That's important because the normal response for dealing with a real threat is either flee or fight, Carbonell said. But if the threat is not real, the best way to deal with fear is just the opposite: "Wait it out and chill."
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