Showing posts with label Health Tip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Tip. Show all posts

April 4, 2012

4 Healthy Practices That Aren’t Very Healthy

 4 Unhealthy Daily Behaviors

1) Diet Soda 
So you’re thirsty, but you’re not much of a water drinker. Man, a Coke would be really good right now wouldn’t it? It would really hit the spot. But Coke has all of that sugar right? And that’s going to send your diet right down the toilet. But what about a Diet Coke? That will be better right?

Turns out that artificial sweeteners can actually have negative affects in terms of weight loss. The taste of the sweetener actually make our bodies think we’re getting a dose of sugar, when we are in fact not, and this will in turn put our hunger and weight regulation out of sync. In a recent study rats that were fed artificial sweeteners actually gained weight rather than lost it. In another 7 year study, researchers showed that diet soda may even have a link to obesity, though they are unsure why.

I suggest steering clear of the Diet Coke next time you’re thirsty. How about some Vitamin Water?

2) Vitamin Water

What? Come on! It’s called Vitamin Water? How could it possibly be bad for you? It’s packaged in those nice neat clear bottles and it comes in clear colors so they can’t be filled with that much sugar? It has to be better than a Soda?


Well okay, Vitamin Water does have less sugar than you average can of soda, but it’s still got about 32 grams of sugar in each bottle. To put that in perspective, that’s more than your average candy bar.

“Hey, wait a minute”, you’re saying. “I’m looking at the nutrition facts of a vitamin water right now and it says there are only 13 grams of sugar! Liar!” Look at the service size chief, 2.5 servings per container. Are you trying to tell me you were only going to drink about half of that bottle and save the rest for dinner? I didn’t think so.

3) Fast Food Salads

Okay, so you’re about to go to lunch, and you’ve only got about half an hour before your boss would take your head off for taking a long lunch, so fast food is really the only option, right? It’s okay, you’ll get one of the salads, then you’ll still be on your diet.


You’d actually be better off eating the cheesburger. The Asian sesame salad from Wendy’s actually has more calories, carbs, sugar and sodium than a double cheeseburger. I mean, you were probably aware that if you were walking into a Wendy’s ordering a salad you weren’t getting the most healthy salad in the world, but I’m sure you at least thought you’d be getting something better than their cheeseburger. Sorry, but if you’re on a diet you’re probably better off steering clear of fast food all together, delicious as it may be.

4) Low-Carb Diets

Okay, you’re thinking, I’ll just really stick to my guns and get on a serious diet that actually works. What about that atkins diet? I’ll cut out all of my carbs and I’ll lose a couple pounds and I will be good to go, right?


See, the problem with low-carb diets is that essentially what you’re doing is tricking your body into thinking it’s starving so that it burns off your excess fat and muscle for the glucose it needs. That leads to a number of negative affects. The first of which being most of the weight you lose is going to be water weight and therefore will be gained back just as quickly once you’re off the diet. The other problem is that this process, called ketosis, can cause your kidney’s to overwork, give you headaches, and even cause heart palpitations.

Sorry to break it to you, but there is just no short cut for living a healthy lifestyle. If you want to grow old someday you’re just going to have to get out and stay active. If you’re already older and want to improve your quality of life I recommend the  medical alarms for seniors with mobile options that allow you to get out of the house and remain protected with their personal emergency alarms.


August 26, 2011

Natural Ways To Treat Infection

Did You Know?

Among the many natural ways to treat infection, tea tree oil is one of the very best. Tea tree oil is an essential oil taken from the leaves of the melaleuca alternifolia, a plant native to Australia. It has a wide variety of uses with strong antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. The aborigines in Australia used tea tree leaves to heal skin infections, wounds, and burns by crushing the leaves and holding them in place with a mud pack. Tea tree oil effectively treats a variety of conditions. If you choose to try tea tree oil, it is good practice to do a patch test on your skin first, as undiluted tea tree oil can irritate the skin. If the skin is sensitive, then it is necessary to dilute it. A good tea tree oil solution can be made by mixing 5 parts of tea tree oil with 95 parts of water
Please note: tea tree oil should never be taken internally, even in small amounts.

Here are just some of the many ways to effectively use tea tree oil:

    • Acne - Tea tree oil kills the skin dwelling bacteria that cause acne. Dilute the tea tree oil as directed above and apply to lesions. Another way to apply it is by diluting it with aloe vera gel. To begin with, mix one or two drops to one ounce of the gel.
    • Athlete's Foot - Every morning and evening, saturate a cotton ball with tea tree oil (you may need to dilute it) and apply to the affected and surrounding areas. Also, you may want to apply a tea tree oil enriched moisturizer. Tea tree oil is also very effective when treating nail fungal infections.
    • Insect Bites - Apply full strength to the bite area. Tea tree oil is also an effective insect repellent.
    • Wound Healing - Moderately apply tea tree oil (at a strength of 70% to 100%) on the wound at least twice daily.
Lastly, putting a few drops of tea tree oil in bathwater has a relaxing and rejuvenating effect. It will also soothe sore muscles and eliminate persistent body odor.


August 23, 2011

Dietary Changes May Help ADHD

Health Update: Diet & ADHD

You are what you eat. This is not just a catchy saying – it is the absolute truth. Yet, most people ignore this “truth” and suffer from preventable diseases, aches and pains. Most seem to think it is easier to eat junk and take a pill later. There is always a miracle medicine to save you, isn’t there? The truth of the matter is… No, There Isn’t. It is abundantly clear and becoming clearer each and every day that taking medication is no substitute for eating right, exercising and practicing proper maintenance care. 

Clearly, having your teeth pulled and replacing them with dental implants is no replacement for brushing and flossing your teeth and going to the dentist for routine check-ups. Eating fat, sugar and processed foods for 40 years and then thinking a drug or surgery is going to save you is even more foolish. Here is some research on what you and your children eat that you will find very interesting.

Study #1: What You Eat and ADHD – A recent study found putting children with ADHD on a restrictive diet to eliminate possible, unknown food allergies decreased hyperactivity for 64 percent of kids. In the study, 41 kids completed the elimination diet and 32 saw decreased symptoms. Here’s a really important part: When certain foods thought to be “triggers” for each child were reintroduced, most of the children relapsed. The elimination diet, which lasted 5 weeks, consisted predominantly of rice, white meat and some vegetables.

Study #2: Eating This Increases Depression Risk – According to Dr. Joseph Mercola’s health blog, “Consumption of trans fats can increase your risk of depression, according to new research. However, healthier fats may actually reduce your risk.” Participants in the study with the highest level of trans fat consumption had up to a 48% increase in the risk of depression.

Study #3: Report Says Energy Drinks Unhealthy – According to a new report published in the Journal of Pediatrics, popular energy drinks may be harmful to children’s health. These risks are amplified if the child has diabetes, ADHD or a heart condition. The report also stated that 30-50% of children consume these drinks and they do not substantially increase performance or energy levels. Sales of products such as Red Bull, Full Throttle, Monster Energy and Rockstar are expected to reach about $9 billion in the U.S. this year, with children and young adults under 25 providing most of the revenue. Because these drinks are considered supplements, they are not regulated by the FDA.

Among 50 kids given a “control” diet that was just a standard, healthy diet for children, significant changes were not noted. Due to the results, lead author of the study and a psychiatrist at the Nijmegen Medical Center, Jan Buitelaar, recommended the elimination diet become part of the standard of care for children with ADHD.

Here’s an important note about this study – Many doctors frown upon the elimination diet, not because of its results, but because it is “difficult.” Because it is perceived to be hard and many won’t do it, it is tossed aside for an easier approach. Of course, it is “easier” to take medications, but is the easiest approach usually the best?


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