Showing posts with label Spirituality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spirituality. Show all posts

April 29, 2010

Michael Cavallaro on Understanding Yourself

Video: Michael Cavallaro
on Understanding Yourself

The 55 Concepts: A Guide to Conscious LivingHave you ever wondered why you are like you are?  This is a discussion on beliefs, belief systems and programs.

April 18, 2010

Consciousness Cures Everything

The answer to all suffering and all disease is consciousness. It is not human consciousness that we're speaking of; it is the consciousness of your spirit or essence. Human consciousness is limited to immediate awareness of its human experience. Spirit consciousness is conscious of all things at all levels of existence whenever it so chooses. Spirit consciousness is beyond limitations and beyond sickness and pain.

In general human beings who are on an internal growth process tend to see consciousness as something their human achieves. To begin with you must begin to see your humanness and your spirit have two separate sources in order to give you some perspective. It isn't that they are necessarily two separate sources but this perspective allows you to separate from your limited human consciousness long enough to see a larger picture. Once having established this separate perspective you can begin to see that your human consciousness is limited to your belief systems, patterned behaviors, and attitudes. You can then see the possibility of spirit consciousness. Human consciousness being limited allows for the possibilities of sickness and pain.

Spirit consciousness being beyond these does not allow for these to occur unless it is something that it chooses to experience in the human form. To be in spirit consciousness your vibrational frequency must be elevated. Human consciousness carries with it a denser vibrational frequency therefore allowing the possibilities of illness and pain. Being in a denser vibrational frequency creates greater limitations than otherwise available in spirit consciousness.

Internal personal growth allows for your vibrational frequencies to be elevated toward spirit consciousness. This then naturally eliminates illness and pain. Changing of your vibrational frequency includes changing your belief systems, your thoughts, your attitudes and your programmed human behaviors. Many seeking consciousness of the weight or neglect this aspect of raising their frequencies.

Three things you can do to raise your vibrational frequencies:
Find a process that is a personal fit that allows you to change your beliefs systems. Some examples are; EFT, Mastering the Art of Being Human, AFT...

Visualize bringing in higher frequencies of light and sound into your body. White light is a magnificent symbol as it encompasses all the frequencies of light and allows for your spirit to decide which ones are best for your body. Violet light is wonderful for transformation and transmuting denser energies and the old belief systems.
Have a relationship with someone who is on the same path as you that you can balance (bounce?) your changes and ideas off of. This relationship must at its core have the agreement that you are both completely honest about everything. It also must have the understanding that neither of you are completely clear and your opinions and honesty might be a little off, but you are both doing the best that you can.

Spirit consciousness occurs when your spirit integrates with your humanness and the two become one. The old belief system thought that your humanness ascended into your spirit but that is the difference between the Piscean age and the Aquarian age. The Aquarian/New Age is the integration of your spirit with your humanity thereby ascending your vibrational frequency whereas you change from being a human being to a divine human.

© Michael Cavallaro 2010

Spirituality as a Creation

People do not realize that spirituality is a creation and it is a creation of your own. It is not that you are creating something new in spirituality itself. Most people want to be followers of some sort. They are looking for their "spiritual path" outside of themselves. They usually find what someone else has done and copy it, then claim it is their own.
We are all set at the beginning of this life and there is no path until someone has created one. So the choice is, are you following someone else’s path or are you creating your own?

These people who are coming to you are looking for someone who has already carved a path that they “like” to follow. That “blends” with them. That is as easy or hard as the journey is supposed to be that they like this path. Or they will follow what you have led them to until it gets too hard or too easy. And then when it’s no longer the way they imagined it was supposed to be they will change paths because they have to find the way that’s really for them. And, “This way isn’t for me. It’s your way.” Well, no shit. You followed my macheted path, you idiot. Of course it’s my path.

The 55 Concepts: A Guide to Conscious Living

So now you’re going to run off on someone else’s machete’d path because it looks better? That’s what they do, because they don’t want to cut their own path. So this is very much victimhood.

This is a big piece with this person and probably most for a while that you will be encountering. – understand that somebody has to bring them. Not everybody’s going to bring the ice; somebody’s got to bring the food – or vice-versa. Somebody has to say, “Hey, it’s over here.” And they have to get it and go off. As much as it may seem not fun, or a perspective, somebody has to do it, they have to get connected somewhere.

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