Another study used three groups of women as different test groups. One group received a real acupuncture treatment, the second received a placebo like acupuncture treatment, while the third group received no kind of acupuncture treatments. 81% of those in the test group who received a real acupuncture treatment reported a pain reduction of 30% or more. 59% of the placebo test group reported pain relief while 47% of the group who received no acupuncture treatments reported pain relief from alternative methods. After one week 37% who received an acupuncture treatment was reportedly still pain free. 22% of the placebo group and 9% of the non acupuncture groups reported no pain after one weeks’ time.
Acupuncture is an ideal alternative pain management method for some pregnant women. There is no use of potentially dangerous drugs involved in the treatment and the percentages of those who experience pain relief are high in many reported studies. Acupuncture can be considered as a means of providing pain relief to expectant mothers without endangering the lives of themselves or their unborn children.