Showing posts with label Dominic Sembello. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dominic Sembello. Show all posts

August 26, 2011

Low Back Pain: An Unusual Cause?


There are many causes of low back pain (LBP). Most of us can think of the time we bent over to lift a child, the heavy tongue of a trailer, a 5-gallon pail of water, or maybe simply sneezed too hard and threw out our back. These causes are common and most often associated with LBP. But, one unusual cause of LBP (not so unusual once you know about it) involves Vitamin D deficiency. Yes, you heard me – a VITAMIN DEFICIENCY!

One study reported on a 360 patient (90% women, 10% men) group being treated at spinal and internal medicine clinics over a 6-year time frame for LBP of 6 months or greater with no obvious cause. Doctors tested these patients for blood levels of vitamin D (25-hydroxy vitamin D), as well as calcium and alkaline phosphatase (an enzyme found in bone). Then, they administered Vitamin D supplements and the same tests were repeated. Their results are VERY INTERESTING! The findings showed 83% of the group studied (299 patients) had abnormally low levels of vitamin D before supplementation and after treatment of ONLY vitamin D, clinical improvement was seen in ALL the groups that had low vitamin D levels and in 95% of all 360 patients! THAT’S AMAZING! 

They concluded “Vitamin D deficiency is a major contributor to chronic low back pain,” and recommend screening for vitamin D deficiency and treatment with supplements which they say, “…should be mandatory...,” especially in areas that are “endemic” for vitamin D deficiency. They also conclude that bone softening diseases like osteomalacia may occur as a result of vitamin D deficiency, while many other studies have linked vitamin D deficiency with osteoporosis. Another question then arises, what geographic regions are most susceptible to low sunlight and hence, vitamin D deficiency? 

One study showed that during the 8 months centered around summer in the US (March-October), for all locations from the southern tip of Texas to just south of Portland, OR, no difference was found in the vitamin D levels. But, in the winter months (November-February), a significant difference was seen where as latitude increased northward, the amount of vitamin D decreased “dramatically.” However, in lower latitudes (< 25 degrees), no difference was found between summer vs. winter months. What about sun block? Does using it reduce vitamin D absorption from the sun? The answer is, YES. On “The Peoples Pharmacy” website, it was reported that the typical dose of vitamin D of 400 IU “…is probably inadequate to overcome a deficiency.” They recommend 10-15 minutes of time in the sun without sunscreen a few times a week or a higher dose of vitamin D3 (“…closer to 2000 IU of vitamin D”). 

There are many other benefits – not just in terms of LBP – from taking vitamin D that have good scientific support. In fact, a PubMed search for “benefits of vitamin D” resulted in 554 studies, some of which included conditions such as, HIV, heart conditions (many), chronic illness in the elderly, osteoporosis, cancers (colorectal, prostate, breast and others), kidney disease, autoimmune diseases (celiac disease, MS, rheumatoid arthritis, many others), types I & II diabetes, and more! You get the picture, I’m sure.


August 17, 2011

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Treatment Recommendations

Health Update : Carpal Tunnel

Carpal tunnel syndrome or, CTS, is one of the most common causes of pain, loss of work, and work related disability in the United States. It affects approximately 50 per 1000 persons in the general population and the average lifetime cost of CTS (including medical bills and lost work time) is estimated to be about $30,000 per each injured worker.

In 2003, there were more than 3.8 million visits made to health care providers for CTS. The diagnosis of CTS is based on the patient’s complaints, the examination findings, and special testing such as electro-diagnostic tests (like Electromyography or EMG). The success or failure of treating CTS rests on the accuracy of the diagnosis. Often, patients with CTS will present after surgery complaining of the same symptoms they had prior to surgery, such as numbness and pain in the index, 3rd and 4th fingers, weak grip, sleep interruptions and so on, only to find that the median nerve is pinched higher up than the wrist, such as in the neck or elbow.

Treatment failure, as well as an increased likelihood of developing CTS, may also result from the presence of other “risk factors.” These include (but are not limited to) advancing age (>50 years old), females > males, and the presence of diabetes and/or obesity, which often coincide. Other risk factors include pregnancy (due to hormonal shifts and fluid retention), certain occupations (highly repetitive), strong family history of CTS, specific medical conditions like hypothyroidism, autoimmune and rheumatologic diseases, certain types of arthritis, kidney disease, trauma, anatomic predisposition of the wrist and hand (shape and size), infectious diseases, and substance abuse.

The difficult thing in treating CTS is when multiple factors exist – like a female over 50 with a highly repetitive job and who is also obese. Obviously, the “best” treatment here would include weight management, and possibly work station modifications, in addition to the in-office treatment approaches. Patient compliance or, following the doctor’s recommendations is VERY important such as wearing the wrist splint at night, doing the carpal tunnel stretch exercises, weight management / dietary recommendations, and so on. Therefore, successful treatment for CTS relies on a balance between the patient and provider communicating about ALL the treatment options – surgical and non-surgical so the patient can make an informed decision. Since each patient is unique, the treatment approach must be tailored to that individual and may require, as previously stated, a number of treatment strategies aimed at patient specific issues.

Chiropractic is in a unique position for managing the CTS patient. This is because we look at the whole person, not just the wrist and, we offer the LEAST INVASIVE approach. Many times, there are issues in the neck, shoulder, elbow and forearm in addition to the wrist/hand that MUST BE carefully assessed in order to obtain a successful, satisfying result for the patient. We also consider the many “risk factors” described above and can assess or coordinate services with other health care providers so the many conditions described previously can be properly evaluated. So, the question remains, what do chiropractors do when treating a patient with CTS? Treatment often includes “the usual” such as wrist splinting during sleep, work modifications, and anti-inflammatory approaches (ice cupping, herbal, etc.).

Unique to chiropractic are manipulation or adjustments (often to the neck, shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist and hand), muscle tendon release techniques (possibly using tools to break up adhesions, scar tissue, and the like), exercise training for the involved areas including the hand/wrist, as well as dietary strategies for weight management, metabolic syndrome (pre-diabetes) and so on.


July 9, 2011

Health Source Acupuncture Provides Pain Relief in New Jersey

When we say to you, “…you have a cervical disk problem,” do you know what that means? I didn’t think so. As doctors, we talk about these things so often, we sometimes just assume you know what we’re talking about. So first, sorry about that!  Now, let’s clear up the question, what is a cervical disk problem?

The term “cervical” means neck, just like the terms “thoracic” means mid-back and “lumbar” means low back. The term “disk” refers to the shock absorbing fibro-elastic cartilage that rests between each vertebra of the spine. Think of the disk as being similar to a jelly donut. The center of the disk is liquid-like (the nucleus), kind of like petroleum jelly, and the outer part (the annulus) is tough and strong and circles the nucleus center like the rings of an freshly cut oak tree stump. What makes the annulus/outer layer so strong is the type of tissue it’s made up of and, maybe most important, the opposing criss-cross pattern of each layer or ring of the annulus. Studies have shown that when the disk is pierced with a knife and then compressed, this criss-cross pattern of the annulus layers self-seals the cut, resulting in no leakage of the liquid center.

So, the question is, how can a disk rupture, herniate or “slip” if it’s so tough, strong, and self-sealing?

The answer: as the disk ages or when it’s injured, tears or “fissures” in the disk fibers occur creating rents or channels for the liquid part to work its way out towards the edge and eventually break through the outer most layer – hence, the term “herniated disk.” It’s similar to stepping on that jelly donut until the jelly leaks out to the point where you can see it.

Here’s the strange part. Research tells us that about 50% of people have bulging disks (not quite herniated through) and 20% of us have herniated disks (that have popped through) but have NO PAIN AT ALL! That makes it tough since an MRI or CT scan may show a herniated or bulging disk but how do we know that’s the disk that’s clinically important – the one that’s creating the pain?  That’s why we treat patients and not their image (MRI, CT scan or x-ray).

Even though a disk may be bulging or herniated, we may not necessarily treat that particular disk if it’s not expressing itself clinically by creating a shooting pain down a specific area in a arm, usually below the elbow often into either the thumb or pinky side of the hand, with associated abnormal tests for strength and/or sensation. That’s why we check your reflexes, your strength, and sensation for each nerve. We’re checking to see if that herniated disk is “pinching” the nerve and if it is, we utilize manipulation, traction, PT modalities, and issue home traction units to try to “un-pinch” that nerve to avoid surgery.

June 10, 2011

Health Update : Headaches

Headache – What Can YOU Do?

Headaches are one of the most common complaints for which patients seek chiropractic care.  Chiropractic is especially helpful in the treatment of headaches because the three nerves that exit the top of the spine (upper neck) are often the cause of or directly related to headaches. These three nerves travel into the head and have to pass through a very thick group of muscles in the upper part of the neck near where these muscles attach to the base of the skull.  This is why when you have headaches and rub the back of the neck, the muscles may feel tight and or tender.  In fact, if enough pressure is applied over one of these three nerves, pain will radiate into the head following the course of the nerve, sometimes all the way into the eyes.  When chiropractic treatment is applied in the upper neck region, a reduction of the headache and neck pain occurs because the muscle tension is decreased and joint motion is restored.

The International Headache Society (IHS) has classified headaches into two main categories, primary and secondary.  Primary headaches occur for no known reason and there are four groups of these: 1) migraine, 2) tension-type, 3) cluster, and 4) “other” primary headaches. Secondary headaches are those with a specific cause such as sinus/allergy headaches, those associated with eye strain, a known medical condition or those due to cold or flu.  Both migraine and cluster headaches are “vascular” (related to the blood vessels expanding inside the head) resulting in a unique set of symptoms that includes nausea, vomiting, pounding/throbbing and can be quite debilitating. 

The most common type is the tension-type of headache.  A thorough history is necessary because there is no specific diagnostic test (lab or blood test) for tension-type headaches.  Hence, the concept is to make sure the headache is not related to some other condition that is diagnosable by a blood or lab test and if present, having that condition properly managed.  So, assuming all the tests come back “normal” and all other causes have been eliminated or “ruled out,” the most common type of tension-type headache is “episodic” or, occurs off and on, lasting minutes to days.  The pain is usually described as, “…my whole head hurts.”  There is typically tightness or tension (NOT throbbing) described in the neck muscles and the intensity ranges from mild to moderate, not usually severe, where laying down is needed.  Physical activity does not usually make it worse and there is no sickness to the stomach (nausea/vomiting), and no intense reaction to bright lights or noise (like there is with migraine & cluster types of headaches).  There are sub-types of tension headaches that can occur simultaneous with migraines headaches, but the classic “aura” (a before the headache warning associated with migraine headaches) is usually not present.

Chiropractic treatment typically includes manipulation and mobilization of the neck, muscle release techniques, physical therapy modalities like electric stimulation, ultrasound, and others, exercise, stress and diet/nutritional management.


July 7, 2010

Acupuncture Treatments at Health Source in Linwood New Jersey

The following information was obtained from the website According to a study conducted by the Henry Ford Hospital in Michigan acupuncture treatments have been reported to effectively alleviate symptoms and side effects in breast cancer patients. Acupuncture was reported to be more effective at reducing hot flashes than pharmaceuticals, increases sex drive, and facilitates an overall sense of well being for the women who are currently receiving intensive treatments for breast cancer.

The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology contained a report that outlines the effectiveness of clinical trials in that studied the relationship between ear acupuncture and its link to alleviating lower back and pelvic pain in pregnant women. The study involved 159 women. Of this test group 100% reported a decrease in pain and easier mobility after the acupuncture treatments. Acupuncture treatments can be considered as a natural and drug free alternative to alleviate lower back pain caused by pregnancy.

Another study used three groups of women as different test groups. One group received a real acupuncture treatment, the second received a placebo like acupuncture treatment, while the third group received no kind of acupuncture treatments. 81% of those in the test group who received a real acupuncture treatment reported a pain reduction of 30% or more. 59% of the placebo test group reported pain relief while 47% of the group who received no acupuncture treatments reported pain relief from alternative methods. After one week 37% who received an acupuncture treatment was reportedly still pain free. 22% of the placebo group and 9% of the non acupuncture groups reported no pain after one weeks’ time.

Acupuncture is an ideal alternative pain management method for some pregnant women. There is no use of potentially dangerous drugs involved in the treatment and the percentages of those who experience pain relief are high in many reported studies. Acupuncture can be considered as a means of providing pain relief to expectant mothers without endangering the lives of themselves or their unborn children.

Acupuncture: Pain Management Treatment

by. Leah Rampolla

The medical explanation of acupuncture describes acupuncture as a pain management technique that involves the insertion of needles in specific areas of the body also known as meridians. The insertion of needles in these key places in the body stimulates the release of specific chemicals in the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. The release of these chemicals in the body may change the patients’ perception of pain- which may produce a feeling of pain relief.  Another theory is that acupuncture stimulates the release of chemicals and hormones in the body which may assist in the body’s inner pain regulations systems.The following information was obtained from the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture. According to reports from this academy medical acupuncture is a treatment method that facilitates natural healing and improved functioning of the body.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes acupuncture as an effective treatment method for digestive orders such as: gastritis and hyper acidity, spastic colon, constipation, and diarrhea. Acupuncture has also been recognized by the WHO to treat respiratory disorders such as: sinusitis, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, and chronic chest infections. Acupuncture has also used to treat neurological and muscular disorders such as headaches, facial tics, neck pain, rib neuritis, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, tendonitis of various forms, lower back pain, sciatica, and osteoarthritis. Acupuncture is also reported to be an effective treatment for urinary, menstrual, and reproductive problems and is reported to be particularly effective in alleviating the physical manifestations of stress, tension, and emotional conditions.

Humans aren’t the only patients that can benefit from acupuncture. Successful treatments have been reported using cats, dogs, horses, and other animals. The reports of successful acupuncture treatments on animals successfully negate the belief that acupuncture produces pain relief through the placebo effect principle.

Medical acupuncture is reported to produce effective results in a broad spectrum of conditions. Some of those conditions include: acute and chronic pain control, post traumatic and post operative ileus, muscles spasms, tremors, tics, contractures, paresthesia, anxiety, fright, panic, drug detoxification, neuralgias, some gastrointestinal disorders, headaches, vertigo, tinnitus, phantom pain, cervical and lumbar spine syndromes, plantar faucitis, arthritis/arthrosis, bursitis, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, sprains, contusions, dysmenorrhea, pelvic pain, insomnia, anorexia, atypical chest pain, idiopathic palpitations, sinus tachycardia, allergic sinusitis, persistent hiccups, certain dermatoses, urinary incontinence and retention, abdominal distention and flatulence, severe hyperthermia, and cough with contraindications for narcotics. Acupuncture anesthesia can be used for high risk patients or patients who have had adverse reactions to anesthesia previously.

Medical acupuncture can provide drug free and effective pain relief for a broad scope of illnesses and diseases. Medical acupuncture can be used as a complement to traditional medical practices or can be used as an alternative, natural option if tradition treatment methods prove to be ineffective.

June 21, 2010

Can Autoresponders Work For Local Business Owners?

How would you feel if you could send out all the information that your potential clients, customers, or patients have requested without lifting a finger?

While this may seem impossible, it is becoming more and more popular among the most successful businesses and companies in order to create an automated follow up and marketing system.

So how can you do this? Simple:  It’s called an Autoresponder system!

An autoresponder system is an automatic method of responding to emails
sent by existing or potential customers and is a must for any business or
organization. Time is money and answering e-mails personally takes far too
much of your already valuable time for you and your customers. Auto responders
allow you to spend more time on other important aspects of your business whilst
the customer receives the information required almost immediately and automatically!

Because of the versatility of autoresponders they can be used by practically any type of business. Answering questions about products and services, creating sales, providing information on pricing and delivery including being used to welcome new customers to your website and thanking them for visiting.

So, why use an autoresponder system when you can list the information on your website?

I was just doing a speaking event last week and someone from the audience asked me the exact same question.

Here is the answer (or at least a few of them).  For one, you only have about 5 to 7 seconds to catch the attention of your website visitor.  While you many have this information somewhere on your website, there is a huge chance that no one will ever read it.

Second reason, the correct autoresponder system can capture leads for you. It can also follow up with your potential prospects on autopilot.  It can also organize a segmented database for you…WITHOUT YOU DOING ANYTHING!

There are certainly even more benefits than these but hey, this is just a blog post,
not a book!

It is crucial for you to choose the right one. Buying an autoresponder is the the easy part.

Choosing the right one for you that does everything you want it and need it to do is another, and knowing how to effectively use it in your marketing is even more important.

Who can tell you which one is best for you? Good question.  The answer is not so simple.

First, you need to determine the purpose of your autoresponder system.  What is it that you want it to do for your company?  Do you want it to simply emaila list of people or do you want to create an entire marketing system for your business?

You can find some that are free or low cost and you can find ones that can do everything except cook you dinner.  Which one is the right one? The simple answer is it depends on your needs.

Autoresponders are one of the most important marketing tools you can use today in your business if you know how to use them effectively.

Finally the automatic responses of the autoresponder will give you freedom and flexibility to save you time while increasing your market reach and follow up. It can bring you an increase in leads, sales, and repeat buyers on total autopilot. Can it work for your business?  I’d say it most likely can!

January 30, 2010

Health Update: Low Back Pain

 Chiropractic Care and the Elderly

Chiropractic treatment of low back pain (LBP) has been reported to be very safe and highly effective.  In fact, in 1994, guidelines were published recommending that chiropractic treatment of low back pain should be a first consideration / treatment of choice in front of many other forms of back care health services.  Since that time, more and more studies have been published showing continued advantages of chiropractic care over many other forms of LBP care.

Even though studies have shown that the peak prevalence of LBP occurs in the 5th decade of life, LBP is also a significant public health problem in older adults ranging between 13% and 49% with "...soaring costs in terms of health care expenditures." So, what about care for the elderly - is chiropractic care equally safe and effective in this older population as it is in younger patients?

A recent study reported two types of spinal manipulation or adjustments verses minimal conservative medical care (MCMC) in patients with subacute or chronic, non-radiating LBP over 55 years of age.  This included a total of 240 participants, of which 105 were women and 135 were men with an average age of 63 years.  The two types of manipulation included a high velocity low amplitude type (the classic "cracking" type of manipulation) and a low velocity variable amplitude type (stretch - not associated with a "crack") treated 12 times over a 6 week time frame.  A 3rd treatment group (MCMC) served as a "control" to compare against the two manipulation approaches.  All three groups received a half hour exercise session at week 3 and outcomes were studied at 3, 6, 12 & 24 weeks.  The results showed equally effective benefits to the two styles of manipulation over the MCMC group, with no serious adverse events associated with any of the treatment groups.

This study is important in a number of ways. First, it points out that two distinctive styles of manipulation frequently utilized in chiropractic and likely to be encountered by patients obtaining chiropractic care, are equally effective in a population exceeding 55 years of age.  The type of manipulation ultimately decided upon can therefore be based on: 1) patient preference (as some patients just don't like being "cracked") and 2) the chiropractor's clinical experience.

When visiting our clinic, we take pride in providing accurate, up-to-date information about our patient's condition and what must be done to obtain long term, satisfying results.  We are most appreciative to have the opportunity to provide care to our patients and strive to make the experience highly satisfying.

If you, a family member or a friend requires care, we sincerely appreciate the trust and confidence shown by choosing our services.  We are proud that chiropractic care has consistently scored the highest level of satisfaction when compared to other forms of health care provision and look forward in serving you and your family presently and, in the future.  

January 20, 2010

Health Update: Whiplash

Whiplash - Can This Really Happen To You?

The following are excerpts from the expert opinion of Dr. Joseph Cilea of the Advanced Wellness Center in Marlboro, New Jersey.

Pain Management

     You're stopped at red light awaiting a left turn into the grocery store when out of nowhere, you  hear the screeching of tires, you turn your head and look into the rear view mirror and see that you're about to be hit from behind. Then "POW!"  The sudden force of the impact propels you back into your seat, your head hits the headrest and then bounces forwards, almost hitting the steering wheel.  You feel your body twist due to the angle of the seat belt and your sunglasses fly off and your purse sitting on the seat next to you flies into the dashboard and lands on the floor spilling its contents.  You're not sure what just happened as it all happened so fast.  Is this a dream?

     After collecting yourself and calming down, you get out of the car to inspect the damage and talk to the driver that just ran into you.  You notice that right now, you don't really hurt that much....but you feel kind of dazed.  When you inspect your car, you surprisingly notice very little damage, but it sure felt like your car should be totaled based on the way it felt.  The other driver said he was checking the station on the radio and saw you too late.  He tried to stop and slammed on the brakes but it was too late.  He said, "...I couldn't have been moving more than 5-10 mph when I hit you!"  You ask, "how could this possibly feel so.....hard an impact?  Was he lying to me?" There certainly wasn't much damage to your car...maybe he was right???  When he asked you if you would, "...let it go," and not call the police, you almost agree, but something stops you.  Even though there is little car damage and, "...he is a nice guy....," you just don't feel right in, "...letting it go." 

    Within 15-30 minutes, you're REALLY HAPPY you didn't give in and take his advice as by now, your neck is really starting to hurt. You feel kind of nauseated and light headed.  Your head is beginning to pound and you feel like you better sit down.  When the police officer approaches he seems distant and you're having difficulty hearing him.  Pretty soon, you notice others helping you onto a stretcher and attaching a neck brace prior to taking you to a local emergency room.  At the ER, you are confused about the details of the accident but piece together the best you can the events of the evening.  They take x-rays, recommend some Advil and ice, and tell you to contact your primary care physician if you have problems. They tell you that you're going to hurt for a few days and "...that 's normal."  However, over the next several days, pain intensifies to a point where neck and headache pain is constant, you can't sleep, your memory seems blurry, you can't seem to concentrate and loose your place during thought and conversation....something is REALLY WRONG!

     This scenario is not atypical of a low speed collision related injury.  In fact, the less the car is damaged, the greater the impact is to the contents inside the car (this is called "elastic deformity").  That's because crushing metal absorbs the energy of the force (ie, "plastic deformity) and if the speed is "...too low" and little metal crushing/energy absorption occurs, the G-forces that occurred during the collision are transferred to the contents inside the vehicle and that force can be significantly greater than a crash that occurs at 2-4 times the 5-10 mph speed.  In general, when there is less damage to the car, be alert that the force exerted on the contents is greater than when car damage occurs.  This is why when cars crash during a car race, the race car basically falls apart, leaving the driver enclosed in a cage that prevents bodily damage, and they often walk away from the accident.

     If you, a loved one, or a friend is struggling with whiplash residuals from a motor vehicle collision, you can depend on receiving a multi-dimensional assessment and therapeutic approach at our chiropractic facility.


Health Update: Fibromyalgia

What Is a Fibromyalgia Diet?

The following are excerpts from the expert opinion of Dr. Joseph Cilea of the Advanced Wellness Center in Marlboro, New Jersey.

Pain Management
Spine Compression

     There has been much discussion about Fibromyalgia (FM) regarding the symptoms, various medications, exercise, and more, but there is not a lot of discussion about a very important daily activity - eating!  It's such a simple thing... so simple it seems to have been overlooked.

     One FM diet suggests a 3:3:4 ratio for fats, carbs, and protein, respectively, and, to eat 6 small meals per day rather than 3 larger meals.  The "don't" list includes chocolate, carbonated beverages and alcohol. The "do" list mandates lots of water consumption - 8 glasses a day, or more.

     Another approach called the Paleodiet (also known as the "Paleolithic diet," "caveman diet,"  "hunter-gatherer diet," "Garden of Eden diet" and more) makes a lot of sense! Grains, beans, and potatoes, though full of energy (calories), are not edible in the raw state due to the many toxins that exist in them.  About 10,000 years ago, it was discovered that heating/cooking these otherwise inedible foods (wheat, corn, barley, rice, sorghum, millet and oats) made them edible, thus marking the Neolithic or New Stone Age era. Though these foods are high in calories and can be stored longer, they are limited in their nutritional value, lead to glycemic spikes (high blood sugar), and can result in intestinal related conditions if under cooked or in those whose tolerance is less (immune deficiency).

     The Paleodiet is based on our genetic code being limited to grass fed animal products and naturally grown products - fruits and vegetables. The basic "paleodiet" includes consumption of grass fed meat, fowl, fish, and the roots and fruits of many plants, including nuts. This approach eliminates grains (wheat, oats, barley, rye also know as glutens), or anything using flour.  This includes breads, pasta, crackers, cookies, most baked products....a lot of what we frequently consume.  Dairy products, sugar, and salt are included in the "don't" list.  The unique feature of the Paleodiet is that all major dietary components are covered - vitamins, fats, protein, fats, carbohydrates, antioxidants, phytosterols, and more. This is the only diet that is coded for our genes - our body utilizes and relies on these substances.

     With this approach, there is no need to "detoxify" our systems or take a surplus of vitamins, though certain vitamins "insure" a nutritious environment for our bodies.  These include magnesium and Vitamin D, both of which are difficult to obtain from the food we eat and, Co-Q10 (a strong anti-oxidant), and high levels of EPA/DHA (the active ingredients in fish oil).

     The bottom line is there is a lot that can benefit FM from strictly a dietary approach and when coupled with exercise, adequate sleep, and stress reduction, FM sufferers benefits greatly!  As a doctor of chiropractic, we will help guide you in these approaches if you, a family member or friend are struggling with fibromyalgia.

November 25, 2009

Swine Flu Mania

Health Alert: Swine Flu

I'm sure you've heard- there is something called the swine flu going around. The scientific name is now H1N1. And H1N1 is not the only thing "going around." A lot of hysteria is traveling with it.

When they first reported on this flu several months ago, some news programs hyped it up to the point you thought the human race was going to be wiped off the face of the Earth!

Well, as it turn out that's not even close to the reality.

H1N1, so far, hasn't been the death sentence the media prophesied. Most people with H1N1 get flu-like symptoms and are perfectly fine in no time.

Why is that?

It's because most people who contract H1N1 have normal and healthy immune systems. And when you have a normal and healthy immune system, you can fight off just about anything known to man (or woman).  Just like the "regular" flu- people with compromised immune systems are the ones at risk and that is why it is important to keep your immune system functioning at its highest genetic potential.

This includes: eating right, exercising, reducing stress and visiting your doctor for routine check-ups. This includes Chiropractic care to keep your spine working properly and alleviating any unnecessary stress and strain on your system.

Here's something you should know about taking anti-viral medications like Tamiflu and Relenza.

On Saturday, August 22, 2009, Reuters reported that a new study published in the Lancet Infectious Disease suggests treating H1N1 in normal healthy adults may not be worthwhile.
"Recommending the use of anti-viral drugs for the treatment of people presenting with symptoms is unlikely to be the most appropriate course of action," wrote Jane Burch of the University of York and colleagues.

According to the Reuters' article, the results of this study also support an already existent advisory from the World Health Organization (WHO): "healthy patients who get H1N1 swine flu without suffering complications do not need to be treated with anti-viral's."

The 'WHO', however, strongly recommends both drugs for pregnant woman and children under 5 because these two groups are at risk for greater illness.

A Guide to Achieving Financial Freedom with a $10K - $20K Monthly Online Income

A Business Plan To  Generate $10K Monthly Online Income Financial freedom is a dream for many, but with careful planning, dedication, and ...