Showing posts with label online marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online marketing. Show all posts

June 7, 2011

Barriers to Effective Private Practice Marketing in Health Services

Marketing Health Services 

In mental health and the caring professions, I believe the biggest barriers to effective marketing come from within individual practitioners' own perspectives, their assumptions and preconceptions.

Some of these assumptions and preconceptions are entirely on target, while others are arguably less so. They come in at least two flavors:


  • Factual matters, concerning what is true in the world
  • Philosophical matters, concerning what is 'right'


The factual matters are easy to clear up because they depend on how the world really is. The philosophical matters are much more interesting and depend on individual people's views of themselves, their careers, and their lives.

Factual Matters and Marketing

As an example of a factual matter, some people believe (rightly or wrongly) that their respective professional organizations prohibit any kind of marketing or advertising activities. There is no actual debate about this kind of question. It's just a matter of checking it out: what exactly is a particular organization's policy? Although it is so easy to check out, a belief which hasn't been checked out yet but which is in fact wrong may greatly (and unnecessarily) impede effective marketing: if you believe you're prohibited from doing something, you're significantly less likely to do it!

As an example of something which might not be quite such a simple matter of fact, but which still doesn't come close to the philosophical subtlety of personal outlooks on life, some people think that marketing is the same as advertising. If you think this too, don't worry: you're in good company. In fact, while conducting some market research in preparation for a marketing guide I've been writing, I examined one recent book ostensibly about marketing which was actually overwhelmingly full of advice about advertising; so maybe even some of the people who write books on the subject don't really understand the difference! Advertising is just one part of marketing, the part that is specifically about ways of delivering a specific marketing message, usually to the potential customer of a product or service. In marketing parlance, it's the inside-out part (broadcasting your message), rather than the outside-in part (listening to customer needs and adapting to meet them). Here again, if you were to believe that marketing and advertising are the same thing, and you know (for example) that you don't like advertising, you might be unnecessarily dissuaded from doing any marketing!

Philosophical Questions About Marketing

Far more interesting than either of these two examples, however, is the question of how you, as an individual practitioner, view marketing and its position in your constellation of thoughts and feelings about your work, your clients, your broader life and your role in the commercial exchange of time and effort in return for money. These largely derive from your views about yourself and about what is the right way to be, rather than about matters of fact in the outside world.

20 Questions About Marketing

Some examples of these kinds of questions, the answers to which might influence how you apply basic ideas of marketing, include:


    * How do you feel about your own value in the work that you do?  
    * How do you feel about providing some of that value in exchange for money?
    * How should the amount of money you receive in exchange for the value you provide relate to the costs you incur to provide it?
    * How do you feel about articulating your value to other people?
    * How do you feel about making a profit?
    * How much of your reward in doing your job is psychological, as distinct from financial?
    * Would you be willing to work for free?
    * At what point will you need another source of income to augment the income you derive from your caring profession?
    * How would you feel about telling your colleagues that you've formulated a marketing strategy?
    * What does 'selling' mean to you?
    * What does financial exploitation mean to you?
    * Do you have a view about how those in your profession 'should' think or feel with regard to questions like these?
    * To whom do you feel your services should be provided? Everyone? Only those who can afford it? Only those who happen to be the sort of people you      particularly like working with?
    * What sorts of people do you particularly like working with?
    * If you had too many potential clients to see at a given time, and if it were entirely up to you, on what basis would you decide to work with some clients and not with others?
    * How do you feel about others in your profession who only see select groups of clients or those who see all kinds of clients?
    * How do you feel about those colleagues who receive more money for their services (or who have more clients) than you do? And those who receive less money (or who have fewer clients)?
    * What does competition mean to you?
    * How do you feel about capitalism?
    * How do you feel about learning about marketing?


And that's just a sample twenty questions -- there are plenty more where those came from, and more still awaiting from within your own individual perspective!

In the case of each one, your own particular views and your philosophy of life will influence how you might apply basic ideas of marketing. Unlike the factual examples from the start of this chapter, there are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers, and no one can teach you how to think or feel. They are ultimately about you and your relationship with the world around you.


Reflecting On Your Own Unique Position

In my own experience with small groups of counselors or students, very often these kinds of questions elicit a combination of discomfort, uncertainty, avoidance, and sometimes a desire to 'take a stand' (well considered or otherwise!) in one particular direction or another. But whatever the reaction, even just beginning to consider these questions makes an important start toward better understanding your own outlook on virtually unavoidable aspects of your profession.

By reflecting on your own views of marketing and some of the adjacent conceptual territory, you can become aware of your own potential strengths in marketing, your own weaknesses, and your own particular interests or areas you'd like to avoid. And importantly, you can overcome any barriers to your own success in marketing which are simply unnecessary -- such as barriers which might have been based upon something you'd never really thought about in detail before, or barriers which might just come from a lack of information.

By patiently continuing to explore, wondering, testing, hypothesizing, and reflecting, you can come to a better understanding of your best ally in marketing.


June 5, 2011

How to Successfully Market on Search Engines


The 4 C's of SEM

Here are the 4 Top Guidelines you need to know about successful marketing for search engines:

As more and more people jump online and get comfortable with the ease of plunking down their bank card for purchases, it is becoming apparent that traditional marketing such as direct mail, advertising, and telemarketing just won't be enough to get your small business over the top. Changes in the world that small business now sees are nothing short of mind-blowing. If you want to get your business, product or service noticed, you need to be marketing for search engines (SEM) and on board with the social media impact on business. Online tools today have changed the game and created new rules for information exchange and information commerce. Software as a service application, better known as SAAS, is bringing everything from Aunt Sadie's bookkeeping services to your kid's martial arts training regimen online as part of the mysterious but ever-expanding Cloud. Your business needs to be visible in the cloud, and marketing for search engines is your primary tactic of being found.


If your website is your printed brochure and you like it that way, please click off of this page now! You cannot have any success online driving traffic to your site from search engines without content. Gobs of content! Oodles. Insane amounts of words, pics, video, music-whatever floats your boat. By insane amounts, recognize that there are millions of websites out there with, sit down, 1000s of pages of content!

Search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo look at content as a measuring stick of how relevant your business is in the world. There are plenty of strategies, and unless your resources of money and bodies are endless, you can't do them all. Article writing, for my blog and similar versions for dozens of other's blogs and article sites, is a favorite strategy of mine. If you're paying attention you just learned one way to get written content for your site. Syndicate it. This is great for those who fear content creation, don't have time for it, or simply lack the confidence that anything they have to say is worth broadcasting. There are millions of bloggers and poor man's authors out there dying for you to publish their material on your site for the simple favor of a return link or three to their websites or blogs.

Don't like to write? That's OK. Know what a ghost blogger is, Mr. big-time CEO? And in today's full-color world, Google rewards pictures, properly tagged, even more. Even better is video. People, if you've been to my VBlog and seen me interviewing subject matter experts, it's not because I think I have a career in film making or replacing Larry King. I want to get great information to my readers and video works fantastic, but it also boosts my search engine rankings in a major way. Boo-Yah!

If you want to know how to really beef up your content, just get a hold of me and I'll give you some free tips and some other things you can do. I can even interview you for your site promotion.


It ain't a once and done world. Any good marketer knows that it may take a while for someone to warm up to your content, so you need to have plenty of it and keep refreshing it... a lot! Your goal is not to have them look on your site or blog once, but to bookmark it, subscribe to your RSS feed, and basically give you permission to market to them again and again. It's that repetition of content in different forms, if possible, that wins over people. Once they subscribe, you're now beyond idle chit chat and into the hand-holding phase of the relationship. Keep going and you just might get to second base, where they like you enough to want to talk to you.


Ahhh! Now we're getting comfortable. If you subscribe to or read any blog posts, you know that 99.9% of them have a box to encourage you to have a take and don't suck about it. You also see all those tiny little squares on websites, all over the place (just check mine-get your dead cat out again), asking you to follow them on Facebook, re-Tweet them, subscribe, StumbleUpon, or otherwise talk to the site, rate the blog, or product, or picture - get it! This is just marketing recognition of the importance of dialogue and chatter in today's world. Exploiting this correctly is the main way social media helps small business. Everybody is a critic, yes, and torque-off the wrong, angry blogger or hacker at your ówn risk, but most ordinary humans have real lives without the time to spend it on wrecking yours with vitriolic bile in cyberspace. Create a conversation with your customers, and soon you'll have them creating positive, happy, fluffy conversations about your business. Do this right and go viral and you're a celebrity in your little business niche, and that ain't chump change, friends.


This is the most important C of the Big 4 for marketing for search engines. Every day, millions of pages of content get loaded onto the Internet and indexed by Google, Yahoo and the boys. Not to mention, the rules and algorithms that the major search engines use to determine relevance in the world are constantly changing. What that means to you is, if you are trying to get any search engine traffic at all to do enough business for you to purchase a Happy Meal, you need to be engaging in this stuff weekly. Monthly? Cute. Once per quarter? Google does not suffer fools easily. The Internet is a - what have you done for me lately - world. On top of the world today, living in a refrigerator box tomorrow.

Don't let me be misunderstood (note to self, try to develop some lyrics around that), you need to consistently market to the search engine universe to succeed at the game. Having said that, if your content is wholesome, good stuff, the huge benefit of the online world is that your stuff doesn't ever die! I heard a guy on a YouTube video say, "Google never forgets." I have articles from 10 years ago that are ranked in the top 3 of certain undisclosed keywords to this day! It can be a beautiful thing. The problem is, you don't ever know what is going to last. It's simple really. You don't know what the rest of the world is going to do that might be more relevant than the pearls you posted last week. The best you can do is keep going. You'll hit some grand slams at times, but you will end up scoring more runs in the long run with singles, walks and being hit by the pitch. Grab your Louisville Slugger and step up to the plate.

June 21, 2010

Can Autoresponders Work For Local Business Owners?

How would you feel if you could send out all the information that your potential clients, customers, or patients have requested without lifting a finger?

While this may seem impossible, it is becoming more and more popular among the most successful businesses and companies in order to create an automated follow up and marketing system.

So how can you do this? Simple:  It’s called an Autoresponder system!

An autoresponder system is an automatic method of responding to emails
sent by existing or potential customers and is a must for any business or
organization. Time is money and answering e-mails personally takes far too
much of your already valuable time for you and your customers. Auto responders
allow you to spend more time on other important aspects of your business whilst
the customer receives the information required almost immediately and automatically!

Because of the versatility of autoresponders they can be used by practically any type of business. Answering questions about products and services, creating sales, providing information on pricing and delivery including being used to welcome new customers to your website and thanking them for visiting.

So, why use an autoresponder system when you can list the information on your website?

I was just doing a speaking event last week and someone from the audience asked me the exact same question.

Here is the answer (or at least a few of them).  For one, you only have about 5 to 7 seconds to catch the attention of your website visitor.  While you many have this information somewhere on your website, there is a huge chance that no one will ever read it.

Second reason, the correct autoresponder system can capture leads for you. It can also follow up with your potential prospects on autopilot.  It can also organize a segmented database for you…WITHOUT YOU DOING ANYTHING!

There are certainly even more benefits than these but hey, this is just a blog post,
not a book!

It is crucial for you to choose the right one. Buying an autoresponder is the the easy part.

Choosing the right one for you that does everything you want it and need it to do is another, and knowing how to effectively use it in your marketing is even more important.

Who can tell you which one is best for you? Good question.  The answer is not so simple.

First, you need to determine the purpose of your autoresponder system.  What is it that you want it to do for your company?  Do you want it to simply emaila list of people or do you want to create an entire marketing system for your business?

You can find some that are free or low cost and you can find ones that can do everything except cook you dinner.  Which one is the right one? The simple answer is it depends on your needs.

Autoresponders are one of the most important marketing tools you can use today in your business if you know how to use them effectively.

Finally the automatic responses of the autoresponder will give you freedom and flexibility to save you time while increasing your market reach and follow up. It can bring you an increase in leads, sales, and repeat buyers on total autopilot. Can it work for your business?  I’d say it most likely can!

A Guide to Achieving Financial Freedom with a $10K - $20K Monthly Online Income

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