Showing posts with label political change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label political change. Show all posts

May 6, 2010

The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing Like the Truth

Is it any wonder that the British public are so thoroughly sick to death with politics and politicians? There is no other sector with the power and will to exert a direct impact on our lives that diminishes the truth to the extent that they do! 
We are fed an endless stream of unmitigated lies on a daily basis, covering every conceivable subject known to man.When I was growing up my parents instilled a very basic concept in my psyche, all lies are bad, and the truth is good, even if it hurts. The empirical difference between black and white has a very strong dividing line that is, until politicians got a hold of it and introduced the grey area. The grey area allows manipulating politicians (and others) to stretch the truth, blur the lines between black and white, to such an extent that it has become almost impossible to recognise the truth, even when it is staring us in the face. This ever enlarging grey area has now been given the title of Plausible Deniability (to you and me lying). It allows individuals we elected to lie to us with impunity.

One cannot manipulate other people with the truth, only with lies, that is a fact. Lying is one of the most pervasive social ills in British society if not the world, it has become the norm, and people believe that the only way to get ahead is to lie, why? Because of the old adage of monkey see, monkey do!

Our continuous exposure to the culture of lying has imprinted the belief that if it works for them it must also work for me syndrome. I watch politicians stand up uttering statements one after another with the words, “in all honesty, to be to totally honest with you, or the truth is, trust me when I say”!  I know they are lying, you know they are lying, and they know they are lying, so where lays the truth! The catalogue of words to disguise the truth is growing larger by the day, how many times have you heard politicians and bankers utter the following words in the last few months. Mistaken flawed, wrong, incorrect, invalid, untrue, misspoke and misrepresented, never once have I heard someone stand up and say I lied!

We are left with the unenviable task of trying to separate the wheat from the chaff, the good from the bad, and the lies from the truth and unfortunately there is no instruction manual to figure it out. How are we the public supposed to make educated and informed decisions on important matters affecting our everyday lives, when the only information we have is fundamentally based on lies (sorry mistruths) and erroneous statements.

As it stands right now the only philosophy I can adhere to when I see a politician (and others) speaking is “they must be lying, because their lips are moving!

There has to be a fundamental and radical change in the way that politicians interact with the general public, we need “the truth the whole truth” or the quality of all our lives will continue to diminish at an ever increasing rate of speed.

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