February 23, 2010

Acupuncture as a Pain Management Technique

By Leah Rampolla

Because acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of needles into the skin, many believe this to be a strange and ineffective pain management technique. In actuality, acupuncture can be utilized as an extremely effective pain relief treatment for a variety of ailments. While acupuncture does involve the insertion of needles into the skin at multiple sites on the body, the needles are very small and doweled. Many patients receiving treatment are surprised to learn that the needle has already been inserted into their skin and did not feel any pain during the insertion.

101 Great Ways to Improve Your HealthIn China, practitioners use acupuncture as a pain management technique for a variety of ailments and Western medicine has begun to embrace this alternative kind of pain management as valid and effective. While there is not a significant amount of concrete data to substantiate these claims, the “clinical impressions” of the acupuncturist as well as testimonials of the patients treated suggest that acupuncture is indeed an effective and valid form of pain management.

Acupuncture can be used to alleviate pain caused by ailments such as rheumatism, arthritis, sprains, headaches; particularly migraine headaches, strokes, neuralgias, nervous disorders, diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, obstetrics, and can also assist in addiction treatment. Acupuncture is commonplace in the East and is increasing in popularity in the West. Many patients seek acupuncture as an alternative form of pain management that is natural and side effect free.

Acupuncture Electronic Probe - Acu Smith
Not all diseases respond to acupuncture treatment, but many patients who receive the treatment claim that the pain relief can be felt almost immediately and is long lasting. For more information or a free Acupuncture first visit, feel free to call (732)226-2153 or visit www.advancedwellnessacupuncture.com

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