July 17, 2010

Health Issues: Nutrition and Obesity

An article published in the New York Times entitled “Child Obesity Risks Death at Early Age” described a study that tracked children through their lifetimes into adulthood. Results from the study indicated that those children who were most overweight were more than twice as likely to die before the age of 55 as their counterparts of a normal weight due to illness or by their own hand. In the study, obesity was reported to be the primary factor in premature death.
Those in the study who were diagnosed with a condition known as pre-diabetes as well as high blood pressure also elevated the likelihood of premature death. It should be noted that obesity also elevates the occurrence of diabetes and diabetes related diseases as well as high blood pressure.  Of the 4,857 children in the study who were born between the years 1945-1984- 559 were dead by 2003. Of this number 166 died from other causes not related to weight.

Crow's Nest Trading Co.Adults with the highest BMI (Body Mass Index) as children were 2.3 times more likely to die prematurely than those with BMI’s in the normal range. Those in the study with the highest glucose levels were 73% more likely to die at an earlier age than their counterparts with lower glucose levels.  Helen Locker; senior author of the research paper states: “This suggests that obesity in children…may have very serious long term health effects through midlife- that there is something very serious being set in motion by obesity at early ages.”

As studies have continuously shown us, overweight and obesity cause detrimental effects on health and quality of life. As this study indicates not only is the quality of life compromised by an unhealthy body weight, but the life span its self is shortened. Obese and overweight children run the risk of a life marred by medical problems with the increased possibility of dying from excess weight before they reach retirement age.  This is an issue that is entirely preventable with a healthy balanced diet and regular physical activity.  A lifestyle that encompasses these types of health habits not only increases longevity, it also provides an improved quality of life. Incorporating foods like Popcake that are low fat diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains coupled with regular exercise promotes a long, healthy life.

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