Showing posts with label health issues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health issues. Show all posts

June 2, 2011

Roman's Rant : Health Issues

How Important Is Dietary Fiber?

Smiling Girl Eating Dietary Fiber

According to an article in the Kingsman Regional Medical Center Journal, reports have indicated a strong correlation between obesity prevalence and the amount of fiber consumption. The data suggests that countries with the highest fiber consumption consistently had the lowest obesity rates. Obesity is considered to be more common in Western Countries because fiber consumption is so low.


Lacking the amount of recommended fiber can hinder proper digestion and can also contribute to weight gain. Deficient fiber levels have been linked to obesity and inhibit nutrient absorption in the body. Generally foods that are high in fiber are also low fat. Conversely, foods that contain low fiber content are generally calorie dense. Foods that are rich in fiber have been found to lower blood serum insulin levels which can promote a feeling of fullness for longer periods of time which can aid in weight control.

Studies regarding children and fiber intake have yielded similar results. High fiber diets aid in the prevention of childhood obesity and improved general health. These studies indicated that children that ate a high fiber breakfast had a lower BMI (body mass index) and lower cholesterol levels. In addition to being low calorie, high fiber foods are also generally contain less saturated and trans fats than foods with a low fiber content.
Fiber consumption by adults and children (specifically plant based fiber sources) has been an effective and proven treatment for obesity. Fiber facilitates healthy weight loss by boosting metabolism and creating a feeling of fullness for a longer period of time. A high fiber diet can decrease the amount of food consumed while simultaneously increasing the body’s ability to metabolize and burn off the fat before it begins to accumulate in the body
An elevated body metabolism can also provide the body with more energy which can also increase the prevalence of physical activity and exercise. Fiber, particularly plant based fiber, is an imperative part of a healthy diet. In addition to facilitating weight loss and increased metabolic levels, fiber is also an important component of proper digestion to keep the body healthy. Foods that are low fat and low calorie are also an important part of a healthy diet. Foods like POPCAKE pancakes that are low calorie and 97% fat free can be incorporated into a diet that promotes a healthy and fit lifestyle.

Dietary Fiber: A History of Prebiotics

July 17, 2010

Health Issues: Nutrition and Obesity

An article published in the New York Times entitled “Child Obesity Risks Death at Early Age” described a study that tracked children through their lifetimes into adulthood. Results from the study indicated that those children who were most overweight were more than twice as likely to die before the age of 55 as their counterparts of a normal weight due to illness or by their own hand. In the study, obesity was reported to be the primary factor in premature death.
Those in the study who were diagnosed with a condition known as pre-diabetes as well as high blood pressure also elevated the likelihood of premature death. It should be noted that obesity also elevates the occurrence of diabetes and diabetes related diseases as well as high blood pressure.  Of the 4,857 children in the study who were born between the years 1945-1984- 559 were dead by 2003. Of this number 166 died from other causes not related to weight.

Crow's Nest Trading Co.Adults with the highest BMI (Body Mass Index) as children were 2.3 times more likely to die prematurely than those with BMI’s in the normal range. Those in the study with the highest glucose levels were 73% more likely to die at an earlier age than their counterparts with lower glucose levels.  Helen Locker; senior author of the research paper states: “This suggests that obesity in children…may have very serious long term health effects through midlife- that there is something very serious being set in motion by obesity at early ages.”

As studies have continuously shown us, overweight and obesity cause detrimental effects on health and quality of life. As this study indicates not only is the quality of life compromised by an unhealthy body weight, but the life span its self is shortened. Obese and overweight children run the risk of a life marred by medical problems with the increased possibility of dying from excess weight before they reach retirement age.  This is an issue that is entirely preventable with a healthy balanced diet and regular physical activity.  A lifestyle that encompasses these types of health habits not only increases longevity, it also provides an improved quality of life. Incorporating foods like Popcake that are low fat diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains coupled with regular exercise promotes a long, healthy life.

June 20, 2010

Nutrition: Diseases Caused by Obesity

by. Leah Rampolla

According to more than 80% of people with type 2 diabetes are obese or overweight.  CDC data indicates that 2/3 of U.S. adults with type 2 diabetes have a body mass index (BMI) of 27 or greater which is classified as overweight and unhealthy. Overweight and obese people have an increased instance of heart failure, heart attack, sudden cardiac death, angina, and abnormal heart rhythms.

Excessive body fat is also linked to higher levels of triglycerides and LDLs and lower levels of HDL cholesterol which fosters the development of heart disease. Hypertension (high blood pressure) greatly increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure. Being overweight or obese increases the risk of high blood pressure. Blood pressure rises as body weight increases. Losing only ten pounds can lower blood pressure.  Losing weight has the biggest effect on those who are overweight and already have hypertension.

1 in 5 overweight people are affected by metabolic syndrome or syndrome X26. Metabolic syndrome can cause diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Metabolic syndrome is one of the fastest growing obesity related health concerns in the U.S.  This syndrome is characterized by obesity, hypertension, abnormal lipid levels, and high blood sugar. The CDC states that metabolic syndrome affects nearly one quarter- 22% or 47 million members of the U.S. population.

Another medical condition perpetuated by obesity is dyslipidemia. This condition occurs when LDL and triglyceride levels are high and HDL is low. Doctors attribute this shift in lipid levels to weight gain. To counter this condition weight loss is recommended. Losing twenty pounds can reduce LDL by 15%, reduce triglyceride levels by 30%, increase HDL by 8%, and reduce total cholesterol levels by 10%.

There is also a potential link between thyroid conditions and obesity. Thyroid hormones regulate metabolism and there is currently an assumed link between obesity and thyroid glands but further study is needed to confirm this relationship.

Numerous data illustrates the numerous and potential fatal medical conditions and diseases that are caused by overweight and obesity. Proper nutrition and regular exercise are imperative for not only a good quality of life but a long and healthy life as well.

Nutrition: Demographic Obesity

By. Leah Rampolla

It is interesting to note that specific racial and ethnic groups show significant disparities in obesity prevalence as. One common observable trend is that increased obesity rates occur in demographics that are generally below the poverty level. Those who live below or at poverty level generally lack access to wholesome and nutritious foods. Fast food and convenience foods, which are often times much cheaper than healthier foods, are consumed in larger quantities in low income areas due to affordability. Another large factor in the consumption of high fat, low nutrition foods is the lack of education regarding a healthy diet. In addition to a lack of availability, lack of education regarding the food groups and the components of a healthy diet, and how to proper read and understand food labels all perpetuate this disparity.

Without access to proper nutrition education, parents are unable to school their children about proper eating habits and foods. According to a CDC article entitled: “Obesity Prevalence Among Low Income Preschool Children 1998-2008” 1 in 7 low income preschool aged children is obese.  In low income two to four year olds the prevalence of obesity increased from 12.4% in 1998 to 14.5% in 2003. This increase is of concern considering it occurred in a span of a mere five years.

In 2008, the demographics with the highest levels of obesity prevalence were American Indians or Alaskan Natives at 21.2% and Hispanics at 18.5%.  In American society, Native Americans and Native Alaskans are generally classified as members of the poorest socioeconomic tier.  In addition to high poverty levels, inadequate education and drug and alcohol abuse are rampant among this demographic. The statistics from the CDC survey indicate that Indian Tribal Organizations reported the highest percentage; over 20% of preschoolers are obese. Again, poverty levels and lack of educational resources generally foster higher obesity rates.

While the percentages of certain demographics may be higher than others, it is indisputable that obesity is a country wide epidemic that spans all demographics. In 2008 only two states in America, Colorado and Hawaii, reported an obesity rate of less than 10% in preschool aged children. Information about healthy foods and proper nutrition must be made readily available for all demographics regardless of socioeconomic standing. In addition to the education, resources must be made available for those that fall in the low income bracket. Public school systems could be a means in which low income children could receive education about healthy foods in addition to providing access to nutritious foods through school breakfast and lunch programs. Federal funding should be allocated to lower income schools to provide children with the education and means to integrate healthy foods into their diet.

June 9, 2010

Weekly Health Update

Mental Attitude: US Children Are Depressed! According to an alarming study, in 2007 8% of children in the US, ages 12-17, had a Major Depressive Episode! 
National Health Interview Survey, 2008
Health Alert:
Children Are Still Smoking! A shocking survey showed 50% of high school students tried smoking in 2008, and 25% of children ages 12 or older currently consider themselves smokers. 
CDC, 2009
We Are Eating Ourselves To Death! 27.2% of US adults, aged 20 years and over, are obese! Obesity is defined as a Body Mass Index of 30 or more or 20% or more above your recommended weight.
National Health Interview Survey, 2009
To calculate you BMI: take your height (in inches) and square it. Then divide that number into your body weight (in pounds). Then multiply by 703.


Underweight                < 18.5
Normal Weight           18.5-24.9
Overweight                 25.0-29.9
Obese                        30.0-34.9
Very Obese                35.0-39.9
Morbid Obesity           Over 40

Exercise: Best Results For Strengthening. Stretching the muscle you are strengthening is key; however, it is also important to stretch stretching the muscle opposite of the one you are strengthening if that muscle is tight or overly-contracted. Example: If strengthening the upper back muscles, first stretch the chest muscles (which are typically tight and turning off the very muscle group you are trying to strengthen) and then stretch the upper back muscles (combined, this stretching will maximizes muscle firing). Once your stretching is done, then strengthen the chest. Try it!  Craig Liebenson, DC

Chiropractic: Being Overweight is Bad For Your Back. Excess body weight, especially around the waist, puts strain on your back. It is like carrying a bag of groceries all day. Being overweight often means being in poor physical condition, with weaker muscles and less flexibility. Both of these factors can lead to low back pain. Even losing a few pounds can make a huge difference.
Wellness/Prevention: Get Outside Or Get Sick! People DO NOT get sick from cold weather; it's from being indoors a lot more. The highest concentration of germs is inside, so if you stay indoors more during the winter,you’re exposed to more germs.

Quote: “The biggest disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis, but rather the feeling of being unwanted.” ~ Mother Theresa


June 1, 2010

Weekly Health Update

Mental Attitude: Laughter and Humor: Natural Ways to Reduce Stress. There is truth to the saying that laughter is the best medicine. Laughing reduces stress hormones like adrenaline (epinephrine) and cortisol. It also benefits your immune system by increasing the number and activity of Natural Killer T-cells. These cells act as the first line of defense against viral attacks and damaged cells.  Monique Gilbert, B.Sc.

Health Alert: Sleep On This! Sepracor, makers of Lunesta (the top selling sleep prescription sleep medicine), spent $298 million in advertising in 2006 alone! IMS Health, 2007

 Diet: Feed Your Brain These 3 Brain-Friendly Nutrients:

1) Omega-3 fatty acids are linked to brain development and function. Sources of omega-3s include seafood (especially cold-water fish) and supplements.
2) Choline improves memory and protects against senility in old age. Sources of choline include egg yolks, skim milk, soybeans and lentils.
3) Folic acid can reduce the risk of birth defects and improve your ability to think clearly and remember, decreasing the risk of Alzheimer's. Sources include spinach, asparagus, avocado, cereals fortified with B9, and most daily multivitamin supplements. Nutrition Journal, 2005

Exercise: Shoulder and Upper Back Stretching Exercises at Your Desk. Extend one arm out straight in front of you. With the other hand, grab the elbow of the outstretched arm and pull it across your chest, stretching your shoulder and upper back muscles. Hold for 15-30 seconds and release. Repeat on the other side.  Angela Smith, MD

Chiropractic: 4 Ways To Decrease Risk Of Back Pain. 

1) Get adjusted by your chiropractor. Your muscles, bones and ligaments are stressed continuously by normal daily activities (driving, sitting at the computer, lifting your kids, etc.). These stresses add up over time and can lead to muscle tightness, spasms, joint stiffness and pain.

2) Proper ergonomics. Properly set up your computer work station. When lifting, use your legs and trunk. Try to avoid bending the back while you lift.

3) Exercise regularly. Exercise helps the stretching and strengthening of your back muscles.

4) Avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits. Emotional stress can cause muscle tension. Watch what you eat as excess weight can contribute to back pain.

Wellness/Prevention: Anti-Smoking Legislation Working! Hospitals report a significant decline in cardiovascular and respiratory admissions in areas where smoking is banned in restaurants.
Canadian Medical Association Journal, April 2010

Quote: "Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." ~ John F. Kennedy

May 19, 2010

Weekly Health Update

Mental Attitude:
Learning And Video Games. Boys 6-9, took intelligence tests and reading and writing assessments. The boys' parents and teachers filled out questionnaires relating to their behavior at home and at school. Half the families received a video-game system immediately and the other half were promised a video-game system four months later, at the end of the study. Boys who received the system immediately spent more time playing video games and less time engaged in after-school academic activities. They also had significantly lower reading and writing scores four months later and had greater teacher-reported learning problems. When children have problems with language at a young age, they tend to have a tougher time acquiring advanced reading and writing skills later on.  Psychological Science, April 2010

Health Alert: Adolescent Drinking Adds To Risk Of Breast Disease, Breast Cancer! Girls 9-15, who drink alcohol increase their risk of benign breast disease (benign breast disease increases the risk for developing breast cancer). Girls who drink 6-7 days a week are 5.5 times more likely to have benign breast disease. Girls who drink 3-5 days per week have 3 times the risk. On average, girls diagnosed with benign breast disease drink more often, drink more on each occasion and have an average daily consumption 2 times that of those who did not have benign breast disease. They also had more episodes of binge drinking.
Pediatrics, May 2010

Go Nuts for Cardiovascular Health. Nuts help lower cholesterol. Nuts are high in monounsaturated fat, which lowers LDL ("bad") cholesterol while leaving HDL ("good") cholesterol intact. Studies show people who eat about an ounce of nuts a day have lower risk of heart disease. Nuts are high in fat and calories, so only eat a handful, and make sure they're not covered in sugar or chocolate.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, February 2006

Exercise: Jog Lightly? If a person weighing 150 lbs jogs 3 miles, the cumulative impact on each foot is greater than 150 tons. This impact can be detrimental to your entire body and not just your feet. Remember to run on soft surfaces and avoid concrete sidewalks.

Chiropractic/Physical Therapy:
Low Back Pain And Your Muscles. Patients with low back pain recruit muscles in different patterns and cause altered loads on the lumbar spine. The joints are out of sync to protect the spinal tissues from motion that may cause pain. These patterns will persist as long as the tissue attempts to avoid pain. Spine Journal, 2007

Wellness/Prevention: Childhood Body Size Affects Future Breast Cancer Risk. Girls who are leaner at age seven are at higher risk of cancer later in life. A larger body type at age seven is associated with a decreased risk of postmenopausal breast cancer.  BioMed Central Limited, April, 2010

Quote: "A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how by his thought to derive benefit from his illnesses." ~ Hippocrates

May 12, 2010

Childhood Obesity

By. Leah Rampolla

The following information was obtained from Georgetown University’ website in an article entitled: Childhood Obesity: Life Long Threat to Health. Statistics from NHIS (National Health Interview Survey) and MEPS (Medical Expenditure Panel Survey) have indicated that 14 million children; 24% of the U.S. population ages 2-17 are obese and an additional 8.6 million children are at risk for obesity. Obesity is a risk factor for 4 of the 10 leading causes of death in the United States: coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and cancer. Obesity and physical inactivity account for more than 300,000 premature deaths annually.

Underage and Overweight: America's Childhood Obesity Epidemic--What Every Parent Needs to KnowSedentary lifestyles and physical inactivity may be risk factors for obesity in youth. Two factors that have contributed to the decline of physical activity of youth are: a greater reliance on television and computers for entertainment as well as decreased participation in physical education classes in school. Over one quarter; 26% of 8-16 year olds watch more than 4 hours of television on a daily basis. 43% of high school students watch more than 2 hours of television on school days. The number of high school students who participated in gym class decreased from 46% in 1991 to 29% in 1999.

Older children are more at risk for obesity which is why the number of high school students who do not participate in gym class is of particular concern. 17% of 6-17 year olds are at risk for obesity while 10% of children under the age of 6 are at risk. Obesity is detrimental to quality of life and is a risk factor for premature death.

The Truth About Childhood ObesityIn addition to children’s health and quality of life, obesity has a negative impact on America’s health care system. 70% of total health care expenditures for obese children are financed by Medicaid and private insurance while 26% of healthcare costs for obese children are paid out of pocket. This is a significant issue for low income families where obesity is most prevalent. Medicaid provides health insurance for over 4 million obese children. 1/3 or 30% of obese children are covered under Medicaid compared to 18% of non obese children.

It is important that obesity in children be addressed at an early age. Obese children under the age of three are generally low risk for adult obesity, but more than half of obese children over 6 are obese adults.  Obese children ages 12-17 are 70-80% likely to be obese adults.  In addition to health risks, the quality of life is also affected. Obese children ages 12-17 that are unhappy often have long term consequences for their emotional and mental well being as adults.

X-Halers Smokeless Cigarette and CD Stop Smoking ProgramObesity and overweight may soon cause as much preventable disease and death as cigarette smoking. 430,000 people die annually from tobacco related conditions; 300,000 people die annually, 1,200 daily from illnesses related to obesity or overweight.  According to the National Institute of Health, weight loss of 15 pounds could reduce the risk of diabetes by 58% in those close to developing the disease.  Increasing physical activity among more than 88 million inactive Americans over the age of 15 could reduce annual health care costs by as much as $77 billion.

Kindle: Amazon's Original Wireless Reading Device (1st generation)This suggests that minimal lifestyle changes perpetuate significant improvements in one’s health. Exercising more and eating less can promote lifelong good health, improve quality of life, and help prevent disease.  Eating more of the right foods is also an important part in promoting and maintaining good health. Foods like fruits, vegetables, and Popcake pancakes that are low calorie, low fat, and low cholesterol are one of many easy choices that can be made to live a long, healthy, and happy life.

May 11, 2010

Weekly Health Updates

Mental Attitude: Depressed People Are More Likely To Smoke.

*43% of adults with depression are current smokers, compared to 22% without depression.

*Adults with depression are less likely to quit smoking.

*The percentage of smokers increases as depression severity increases.

*28% of depressed smokers smoke more than a pack a day, compared to 15% without depression.

*51% of depressed smokers smoke their first cigarette within the first 5 minutes of the day compared to 30% with no depression.

National Center for Health Statistics, April, 2010.

Health Alert: Addicted To Drugs? 80% of US adults, 175 million, report taking Over The Counter medications; 15% daily; 14% several times per week; 27% several times per month. 90% of people over 65 take at least one prescription drug per week; 45% use acetaminophen; 60% use various NSAIDs; 18% use aspirin.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Menu Labeling! The new health reform bill includes a provision requiring calorie labeling on chain restaurant menus, menu boards and drive-through displays. It also requires these establishments to provide additional nutrition information in the restaurant, upon request. Educated consumers are better prepared to make informed decisions. Nutrition information on menus makes an impact on food purchases by prompting customers to choose lower calorie food and beverage selections and spurring the industry to create healthier menu offerings. 
American Heart Association, 2010

Exercise: Movement Is Life. Regular exercise improves circulation, enhances flexibility and gives you a greater ability to accomplish physical tasks, without risking injury. It takes only 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.
US Department of Health and Human Services' Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans

Chiropractic and Physical Therapy:
Pain Free? Strains on the tissues of your spine build-up gradually from the repetitive activities of daily living. In time, the tissue will be stressed enough to cause pain as chemical by-products become trapped in the tense tissue. Maintaining proper spine and joint motion through chiropractic care and physical therapy can prevent and decrease pain.

Wellness/Prevention: Toothpaste With Triclosan/Copolymer Kills Harmful Germs. Your mouth is home to 800-1,000 different kinds of bacteria. Toothpaste containing triclosan/copolymer is better than regular fluoride toothpastes at killing these bacteria. Triclosan has been shown to inhibit plaque and gingivitis. The copolymer helps to keep triclosan in your mouth for a longer period of time, which boosts its ability to inhibit oral bacteria.
General Dentistry, Jan/Feb 2010

"Having good health is very different from only being not sick."
~ Seneca The Younger, 50 AD

May 3, 2010

Nutrition: Childhood Obesity

Trevor Gardner, an expert author in health and fitness, points out that there are five primary problems that are caused by childhood obesity. Elevated counts of cholesterol which is directly related to increased stroke and/or heart attack potential, liver disease due to insulin resistance, increases in diabetes cases, reduction in life expectancy, and the emotional and mental trauma that results from bullying and can cause significant self esteem and self worth issues.  The CDC has confirmed that the youngest generation is facing a shorter life expectancy than their parents for the first time in history. Over the past fifteen years, obesity rates in young children have doubled and have nearly tripled in teenagers.

According to information from an article written by Tess Thompson entitled: Childhood Obesity Health Risks, Diagnosis, and Treatment,   childhood obesity is the primary cause of various adult diseases being reported in children and adolescents.  There has been a 400% increase in the number of obese children six and older in the last 2 1/2 decades. Obesity is a health risk that is a catalyst for other health problems such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, orthopedic complications, sleep-apnea, depression, and asthma.

According to the website Kidshealth, one out of three children are now considered overweight or obese. Overweight and obesity are determined by BMI or Body Mass Index. BMI uses height and weight measurements to estimate the amount of body fat on a person. To determine BMI for pounds and inches- divide weight by height squared and multiply the result by the conversion factor 703.  There are four BMI categories: underweight BMI which falls below the 5th percentile, normal weight BMI which reaches the 5th percentile and is less than the 85th percentile, overweight BMI which reaches the 85th percentile but does not exceed the 95th percentile, and an obese BMI which is at or above the 95th percentile.

Children who are unhappy or uncomfortable with their weight are more prone to developing eating disorders like anorexia nervosa and bulimia, depression, and substance abuse. Children who are overweight and obese are at risk for medical problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, abnormal blood lipid levels, insulin resistance, liver and gallbladder disease, and bone and joint problems. Restless or disordered sleep patterns may also result from overweight and obesity.  Overweight and obese youth have a tendency to mature earlier and may be taller and more sexually mature. Females may have irregular menstrual cycles and fertility issues in adulthood.

The ill effects of overweight and obesity with children are far reaching. Not only can their health be detrimentally affected, it may also cause emotional and mental stress. Both the physical and mental effects of obesity can follow children into adulthood and create a lifelong struggle. Parents can help their children lead healthy lives by teaching them about proper nutrition and regular physical exercise. Food such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low fat, low calorie foods like Popcake pancakes are all smart choices that children can make to promote a happy and healthy lifestyle.

March 18, 2010

A Brief History of OCD

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder For Dummies

What Is OCD?

OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder as it is clinically known as is an anxiety disorder. It is characterized by obsessive thoughts and inability to restrain these thoughts. In order to counterbalance these thoughts, OCD sufferers often execute certain compulsive actions that become incorporated as a significant part of their daily lives. The compulsions are an attempt to ease the pain of the recurring thoughts.

The Origin Of OCD

OCD as a disorder has been affecting lives for very many years. However, it has only been in recently that OCD has been given the due attention it requires. Newer methods of therapy and medicinal treatments are being researched and implemented to help people with OCD lead healthier and more prouctive lives. Alternative methods of treatment are being explored and all these developments are helping mankind progress. However, to truly find a solution to a problem we also need to learn about its origins. To move forward in a field we first need to trace its roots. Therefore, we go back to the beginning of the disease’s origin.

300 Years Ago

Coping With OCD: Practical Strategies for Living Well With Obsessive-compulsive DisorderA medical condition akin to OCD has been recognized for almost 300 years. It has been widely accepted that each stage in the history of OCD has been influenced by the cerebral, scientific and artistic changes of that age. At the beginning of the malady’s analysis a lot of significance was attributed to supernatural factors. People ascribed the cause of illnesses to distorted religious faith and blasphemous thoughts. Such occurrences were considered to be the work of Satan. Even in today’s day and age, despite all the scientific development taking place, there are many people who tend to believe in supernatural forces. Such beliefs have no basis in science yet there are still firm believers. Superstitious ideas such as these often make people do drastic and useless things such as consulting “magic men” and exorcists.

Psychoanalysis Becomes More Acceptable

In 19th century France, a fundamental position was accorded to distrust and vacillation. It was assumed that disorders were born out of flaws in the individual’s character such as lack of courage of conviction which gave rise to varying instabilities. With the dawn of the 20th century greater importance started being given to psychoanalysis of OCD. According to such theories, OCD arose out of a person’s inability to adapt to certain conflicts in the earlier stages of their lives. Freud was of the opinion that underlying psychological conflicts between the id ego’s need for immediate gratification, mostly in sexual spheres, and a person’s moral conscience and a need for reality. The basic underlying assumption of this theory is that when a person has to fight with his internal self, in order to control certain unacceptable urges and behave in a socially appropriate manner, these conflicts give rise to a number of mental stresses and burdens. Hence, out of these complexities, the disorder is born.
Kindle DX Wireless Reading Device (9.7" Display, U.S. Wireless)Even though psychoanalysis was a popular theory it was confronted with strong opposition in the late 20th century. The theory was criticized for not being able to explain the role of the brain in the arena of psychological imbalances. Even though the part of the mind has been clarified in great detail, there have been no concrete studies or researches explaining the working of the brain in such contexts.

March 7, 2010

Research on Colon Cancer

By Jennifer Warner
WebMD Health News
March 4, 2010 -- A blood test may soon be able to predict which colon cancers are likely to spread to other parts of the body, according to a new study.
Researchers found two proteins in the blood that may serve as potential biomarkers of colon cancers that are more aggressive and likely to spread.
American Cancer Society's Complete Guide to Colorectal CancerColon cancer is a leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. with more than 50,000 deaths reported each year. Surgery is the main treatment for the disease, but almost half of those treated for colon cancer experience a recurrence of the disease within five years due to cancer cells spreading to other parts of the body.
Researchers say determining which colon cancers will spread is difficult because there are no reliable chemical markers in the body for predicting its spread, known in medical terms as metastasis.
In the study, published in the Journal of Proteome Research, Chinese researchers compared proteins produced by the original colon cancer tumor cells to those of metastasized cells from a single person with colon cancer.
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About(TM): Colorectal Cancer: New Tests, New Treatments, New HopeThe results highlighted two proteins that occurred at much higher levels in the metastatic cells than in the original colon cancer cells.
Although further research is needed to confirm these findings, researchers say the proteins may bring them a step closer to understanding the disease.
"The identified candidate proteins," write researchers Hua Xue of Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China, and colleagues, "will facilitate our understanding toward the molecular mechanism of [colorectal cancer] metastasis as well as providing useful biomarkers for cancer prevention, detection and intervention in the future."

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