Showing posts with label Dr. Joseph Cilea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Joseph Cilea. Show all posts

June 9, 2010

Weekly Health Update

Mental Attitude: US Children Are Depressed! According to an alarming study, in 2007 8% of children in the US, ages 12-17, had a Major Depressive Episode! 
National Health Interview Survey, 2008
Health Alert:
Children Are Still Smoking! A shocking survey showed 50% of high school students tried smoking in 2008, and 25% of children ages 12 or older currently consider themselves smokers. 
CDC, 2009
We Are Eating Ourselves To Death! 27.2% of US adults, aged 20 years and over, are obese! Obesity is defined as a Body Mass Index of 30 or more or 20% or more above your recommended weight.
National Health Interview Survey, 2009
To calculate you BMI: take your height (in inches) and square it. Then divide that number into your body weight (in pounds). Then multiply by 703.


Underweight                < 18.5
Normal Weight           18.5-24.9
Overweight                 25.0-29.9
Obese                        30.0-34.9
Very Obese                35.0-39.9
Morbid Obesity           Over 40

Exercise: Best Results For Strengthening. Stretching the muscle you are strengthening is key; however, it is also important to stretch stretching the muscle opposite of the one you are strengthening if that muscle is tight or overly-contracted. Example: If strengthening the upper back muscles, first stretch the chest muscles (which are typically tight and turning off the very muscle group you are trying to strengthen) and then stretch the upper back muscles (combined, this stretching will maximizes muscle firing). Once your stretching is done, then strengthen the chest. Try it!  Craig Liebenson, DC

Chiropractic: Being Overweight is Bad For Your Back. Excess body weight, especially around the waist, puts strain on your back. It is like carrying a bag of groceries all day. Being overweight often means being in poor physical condition, with weaker muscles and less flexibility. Both of these factors can lead to low back pain. Even losing a few pounds can make a huge difference.
Wellness/Prevention: Get Outside Or Get Sick! People DO NOT get sick from cold weather; it's from being indoors a lot more. The highest concentration of germs is inside, so if you stay indoors more during the winter,you’re exposed to more germs.

Quote: “The biggest disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis, but rather the feeling of being unwanted.” ~ Mother Theresa


April 29, 2010

Cafe of Life - Sponsored Post

Chiropractic care in a fun and upbeat environment. Innovative coffee shop-like studio to help ease the pain management

February 23, 2010

Acupuncture as a Pain Management Technique

By Leah Rampolla

Because acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of needles into the skin, many believe this to be a strange and ineffective pain management technique. In actuality, acupuncture can be utilized as an extremely effective pain relief treatment for a variety of ailments. While acupuncture does involve the insertion of needles into the skin at multiple sites on the body, the needles are very small and doweled. Many patients receiving treatment are surprised to learn that the needle has already been inserted into their skin and did not feel any pain during the insertion.

101 Great Ways to Improve Your HealthIn China, practitioners use acupuncture as a pain management technique for a variety of ailments and Western medicine has begun to embrace this alternative kind of pain management as valid and effective. While there is not a significant amount of concrete data to substantiate these claims, the “clinical impressions” of the acupuncturist as well as testimonials of the patients treated suggest that acupuncture is indeed an effective and valid form of pain management.

Acupuncture can be used to alleviate pain caused by ailments such as rheumatism, arthritis, sprains, headaches; particularly migraine headaches, strokes, neuralgias, nervous disorders, diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, obstetrics, and can also assist in addiction treatment. Acupuncture is commonplace in the East and is increasing in popularity in the West. Many patients seek acupuncture as an alternative form of pain management that is natural and side effect free.

Acupuncture Electronic Probe - Acu Smith
Not all diseases respond to acupuncture treatment, but many patients who receive the treatment claim that the pain relief can be felt almost immediately and is long lasting. For more information or a free Acupuncture first visit, feel free to call (732)226-2153 or visit

Alternative Pain Management Methods

By Leah Rampolla

Those who participate in full contact sports such as roller derby often suffer from sprained and strained muscles, internal and external bruising, abrasions, and the occasional fractured bone. The obvious pain management solution for these types of sports related injuries is traditional Western medicine and methods. A trip to the doctor for a prescription for pain relief in pill form or a trip to the drug store for some encapsulated over the counter pain relief is the general pain remedy for most Westerners.

Alternative pain management methods such as acupuncture are becoming more recognized in the West and the acceptance is becoming more wide spread.

Acupuncture for Everyone: What It Is, Why It Works, and How It Can Help YouAcupuncture, the Chinese practice of the insertion of needles into specific areas of the body to facilitate pain relief, is becoming recognized and accepted as an effective pain management technique. The Chinese believe that acupuncture is an effective means of pain management for a numbers of diseases and maladies and is practiced widely in the East. Western medicine is becoming more accepting of acupuncture as a pain management technique. Many acupuncture patients claim almost immediate pain relief and no side effects from acupuncture treatments.

Many Westerners are beginning to embrace alternative pain management methods instead of or in conjunction with tradition pain management methods more than ever before. Yoga, crystal healing, and herbal remedies are all increasing in popularity and gaining validity as effective pain management techniques. Alternative pain management techniques such as yoga offer the patient additional benefits such as increased strength and cardiovascular fitness, improved breathing techniques, and calmness of mind. Many little known alternative pain management techniques are often just as or more effective than traditional pain relief methods and are worth exploring.
Acupuncture and the Chakra Energy System: Treating the Cause of Disease
If your living with pain in New Jersey and want more information feel free to call (732)226-2153.

February 8, 2010

 A Very Good Reason You Should Read This Right Now

101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health
Health care is a huge topic these days, and it should be.  Your health is the most important thing you possess.  If you lose your health, nothing else matters. But, most people think staying healthy is much more complicated than it really is, at least for most people. For most, staying healthy is NOT about new drug discoveries and wonder cures.  Instead, staying healthy is about consistently doing the simple things that keep you functioning properly- for years and years. And the recurring theme in this blog is just that.  You must do these simple things - for the rest of your life.

As you will see in this blog, research has just shown doing something very simple can extend your life.  But you must continue to do it. It's just like brushing your teeth- if you stop, bad things happen. The key to living a happy, healthy and long life is the commitment to doing the simple things that will kepp you healthy. So what are you waiting for?  It will only take you about 10 minutes to read, but may have a big impact of your life.

Marware Eco-Vue for iPadFor more extensive research about health issue that may affect you, subscribe to, where Dr. Joseph Cilea provides expert health and nutrition analysis. Or if you live in the central New Jersey area and you have questions regarding your health or that of a loved one call- 732-719-8148.

January 30, 2010

Health Update: Headaches

101 Great Ways to Improve Your HealthThe following are excerpts from the expert opinion of Dr. Joseph Cilea of the Advanced Wellness Center in Marlboro, New Jersey.
Pain Management
Spine Compression

  Chiropractic Care and Headaches

     "I can't believe how much my head hurts!"  I've been laid off from work for the last 3 weeks and worried about making my mortgage payment this month - I think the stress is getting out of control!  Pain starts in my neck and radiates into my head eventually making my whole head hurt, especially behind my eyes.  There are times I feel like my head might explode!  I can't stand loud noises or even normal noise.  Over the counter medications aren't touching it and I can't drive if I take some of the medications my doctor prescribed.  I don't know what to do next."

Breaking the Headache Cycle: A Proven Program for Treating and Preventing Recurring Headaches     This history is classic for the diagnosis of a tension-type of headache (TTH).  As unemployment rates reach new highs and stress levels climb, it is no wonder more and more people are presenting with this condition.  Even prior to the recession, TTH was the most common type of headache experienced by adults affecting 10-65% of the population.  The impact on daily living by TTH is significant as it disrupts daily activities, quality of life, and work.  These types of headaches, according to the International Headache Society (HIS), can last from 30 minutes to 7 days, do not include nausea/vomiting but may include increased sensitivity to light or noise (rarely both at the same time).  The most common frequency is less than 15 TTH's/month.

Sinus Buster Headache Buster (0.68 ml)     Medication has been the primary medical form of treatment and some patients require the regular use of certain medications, even when headaches are not present - - as in some cases, it's too late to start meds once the headache starts.  In these cases, Amitriptyline has been the most frequently prescribed medication and it's considered the drug of choice for TTH.  Chiropractic spinal manipulation (CSM) has been reported to be helpful in a number of prior studies.  One reported equal benefit as Amitriptyline with 6 weeks of treatment.

Yoga for Health: Basics/Headaches     A recent publication conducted a study using a new design where TTH sufferers with more than 10 headaches per month were randomly assigned to one of four groups: 1) cervical spinal manipulation (CSM) + amitriptyline, 2) CSM + placebo (fake) amitriptyline; 3) sham CSM + real amitriptyline; or 4) sham CSM + placebo amitriptyline.  That way, one can determine which of the two or, the combination of both is most beneficial.  An initial period of 4 weeks was followed by a 14 week treatment period. A headache diary was used to track headache frequency in the last 28 days of the treatment period.  Nineteen completed the study and the combined effect carried the most statistically significant result with a close second with CSM alone.  A larger sample size was recommended for a more statistically powerful evaluation.

Bath & Body Works Aromatherapy Roll On Headache Relief     This study is important as CSM by itself was found to be at least as (if not more) effective than Amitriptyline alone, which is the medication of choice for TTH.  Hence, if CSM or Amitriptyline alone are not found to be satisfying, the combination of the two is strongly supported by this study.

     If you, a family member or a friend require care, we sincerely appreciate the trust and confidence shown by choosing our service.  We are proud that chiropractic care has consistently scored the highest level of satisfaction when compared to other forms of health care provision and look forward in serving you and your family presently and in the future.
EatSmartâ„¢ Precision Digital Bathroom Scale w/ Extra Large Backlit 3.5" Display and "Step-On" Technology

Health Update: Carpal Tunnel

101 Great Ways to Improve Your HealthThe following are excerpts from the expert opinion of Dr. Joseph Cilea of the Advanced Wellness Center in Marlboro, New Jersey.
Pain Management
Spine Compression

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) -  A "Typical" Case Example

Original Pil O Splint Nighttime Carpal Tunnel Relief     "I've been working on the line for 13 years and started noticing periodic tingling in my fingers.  It didn't last long and I didn't think about it much.  It gradually became more frequent and wouldn't go away when I changed my activity or shook my hand or fingers.  It started to really grab my attention when I started to drop things out of my hand and couldn't open jars as easily.  That's when I decided to see what was wrong.  I didn't know who to go to so I went to my family doctor and he diagnosed carpal tunnel syndrome.  He gave me a splint to wear at night and some anti-inflammatory drugs that irritated my stomach, so I quit the drugs.  The splint helped me sleep and I didn't wake up as often.  The doctor was talking about surgery to undo a pinch the nerve at my wrist if it didn't get better soon, but I overheard some co-workers talk about seeing a chiropractor for their carpal tunnel problems and how much better they felt so I decided to try it.

ThermalOn Carpal Cuff (Wrist, Hand)     "The chiropractor was very thorough and examined my neck, shoulder, elbow as well as my wrist and hand.  He indicated that several areas were putting pressure on the nerve that goes into the hand and the pinch was not just at the wrist but higher up in my neck, shoulder and forearm.  He said if I wasn't at least 50% better in 4 weeks, we would talk about other tests and treatment options and investigate it further.  He worked on my neck, shoulder, elbow, forearm and hand, using manipulations and other methods to loosen it up.  He said the nerve was getting pinched by the muscles working too fast and not getting enough rest.  He gave me exercises to do several times a day at work to stretch the forearm muscles and had me continue the use of the brace at night.  He also taught me how to ice massage the wrist for 5 minutes until it got numb, several times a day and he recommended I use vitamin B6, 50mg, three times a day.  After the 3rd week, I started to notice a decrease in the intensity, frequency and duration of numbness and weakness.  He had me fill out a Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire and my score improved a lot after the first 4 weeks.  He said he may have to evaluate my workstation and make some modifications, if possible.  He asked me a lot about the position of my wrist and hand when I work and didn't seem to like the type of screw driver I was using.  He called my boss and asked if a different type of screw driver with a power source and a pistol shaped handle could be tried and it was arranged.  That seemed to really make a difference."

The Carpal Tunnel Helpbook: Self-Healing Alternatives for Carpal Tunnel and Other Repetitive Strain Injuries     Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or CTS, is a common problem that is usually cumulative, slow and gradual in its onset, and can progress to a point where functions like buttoning shirts, threading a needle, and holding a newspaper are greatly affected.  People usually don't run to the doctor at the first signs of CTS as the initial symptoms are vague and initially not too impairing.  Over time, CTS can become quite severe and often prompts a surgical recommendation, without trying a non-surgical approach first.

IMAK Pil-O-Splint Wrist Support Night time Carpal tunnel Relief (Pack of 2)     There are a number of studies published regarding the chiropractic management of CTS that show these non-surgical methods can be quite successful.  One compared medical care consisting of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and nocturnal wrist splinting to chiropractic care consisting of spine and extremity manipulation, nocturnal wrist splinting, and ultrasound over the wrist.  Both treatment approaches were helpful, suggesting the importance of trying either or even both of these non-surgical treatments prior to proceeding to surgery.

     We take pride in providing quality, evidence-based care and appreciate the opportunity to do so when patients choose our clinic for their care.  We realize there are many health care options available and truly appreciate the confidence shown by our patients when choosing our clinic for their health care needs.  If you, a friend or family member requires care for CTS, we would be honored to offer our services.

Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

January 20, 2010

Health Update: Whiplash

Whiplash - Can This Really Happen To You?

The following are excerpts from the expert opinion of Dr. Joseph Cilea of the Advanced Wellness Center in Marlboro, New Jersey.

Pain Management

     You're stopped at red light awaiting a left turn into the grocery store when out of nowhere, you  hear the screeching of tires, you turn your head and look into the rear view mirror and see that you're about to be hit from behind. Then "POW!"  The sudden force of the impact propels you back into your seat, your head hits the headrest and then bounces forwards, almost hitting the steering wheel.  You feel your body twist due to the angle of the seat belt and your sunglasses fly off and your purse sitting on the seat next to you flies into the dashboard and lands on the floor spilling its contents.  You're not sure what just happened as it all happened so fast.  Is this a dream?

     After collecting yourself and calming down, you get out of the car to inspect the damage and talk to the driver that just ran into you.  You notice that right now, you don't really hurt that much....but you feel kind of dazed.  When you inspect your car, you surprisingly notice very little damage, but it sure felt like your car should be totaled based on the way it felt.  The other driver said he was checking the station on the radio and saw you too late.  He tried to stop and slammed on the brakes but it was too late.  He said, "...I couldn't have been moving more than 5-10 mph when I hit you!"  You ask, "how could this possibly feel so.....hard an impact?  Was he lying to me?" There certainly wasn't much damage to your car...maybe he was right???  When he asked you if you would, "...let it go," and not call the police, you almost agree, but something stops you.  Even though there is little car damage and, "...he is a nice guy....," you just don't feel right in, "...letting it go." 

    Within 15-30 minutes, you're REALLY HAPPY you didn't give in and take his advice as by now, your neck is really starting to hurt. You feel kind of nauseated and light headed.  Your head is beginning to pound and you feel like you better sit down.  When the police officer approaches he seems distant and you're having difficulty hearing him.  Pretty soon, you notice others helping you onto a stretcher and attaching a neck brace prior to taking you to a local emergency room.  At the ER, you are confused about the details of the accident but piece together the best you can the events of the evening.  They take x-rays, recommend some Advil and ice, and tell you to contact your primary care physician if you have problems. They tell you that you're going to hurt for a few days and "...that 's normal."  However, over the next several days, pain intensifies to a point where neck and headache pain is constant, you can't sleep, your memory seems blurry, you can't seem to concentrate and loose your place during thought and conversation....something is REALLY WRONG!

     This scenario is not atypical of a low speed collision related injury.  In fact, the less the car is damaged, the greater the impact is to the contents inside the car (this is called "elastic deformity").  That's because crushing metal absorbs the energy of the force (ie, "plastic deformity) and if the speed is "...too low" and little metal crushing/energy absorption occurs, the G-forces that occurred during the collision are transferred to the contents inside the vehicle and that force can be significantly greater than a crash that occurs at 2-4 times the 5-10 mph speed.  In general, when there is less damage to the car, be alert that the force exerted on the contents is greater than when car damage occurs.  This is why when cars crash during a car race, the race car basically falls apart, leaving the driver enclosed in a cage that prevents bodily damage, and they often walk away from the accident.

     If you, a loved one, or a friend is struggling with whiplash residuals from a motor vehicle collision, you can depend on receiving a multi-dimensional assessment and therapeutic approach at our chiropractic facility.


A Guide to Achieving Financial Freedom with a $10K - $20K Monthly Online Income

A Business Plan To  Generate $10K Monthly Online Income Financial freedom is a dream for many, but with careful planning, dedication, and ...