April 18, 2010

Happiness of Spirit

Spiritual happiness is something many people seek. People often confuse happiness of Spirit with personal human happiness. There is also a misperception of what spirituality and personal human identity are about, as well as almost no understanding of happiness of Spirit. There is a perceived separation of Spirit and personal identity. This leads to the need to become spiritual or be a spiritual seeker. 


Personal human identity and happiness is about who and what your ego/personality perceives it is or, who and what it's supposed to be. This could be related to family, work, relationships, children etc. Personal identity happiness is related to the human experience only. Personal identity in the way that you know it is limited to your humanness.
Most of what you perceive of as happiness through your personal identity is based upon human programming or belief patterns. This is limiting. This is the world of should’s, would’s, have to’s, supposed to’s and musts. This is also about the things you think you want because you heard or came to believe this is the way things should be.

Spirituality is often perceived of as who you're supposed to be. Some of the perceived qualities are; going to church, meditation, personally reflective, being a good person, in touch with God. In truth spirituality doesn't actually exist. To believe that being spiritual or spirituality exists carries an unconscious belief that, you are not Spirit. It also implies that you must become or be something that you are not.For example, does a deer try to become a deer or a bird attempt to be a bird? Of course not they are what they are. They do not chase something that they already are.

Spirituality does not exist because you are Spirit and you cannot be anything else. Because you are Spirit you cannot be spiritual. At your core is your Spirit. Your Spirit is what it is. Your Spirit, at some level decided it wanted to experience human and has created your human form. Remember, the only reason someone wants to be or become spiritual is because they believe they are not!


Spirit Having a Personal Identity

The concept of Spirit having a personal identity versus your personal human identity becoming spiritual might be unique to some. Your Spirit, also referred to as your Holy Spirit, is your true essence. It is that which was created by Source/God. Your Spirit has a personal identity but it is not related to or about your personal human identity. Your Spirit has chosen to have an experienced as a human being. In doing so it needed to have a personal human identity so that it could perceive itself in a human form. So the personal human identity is simply a way for you to navigate with on your human journey. What tends to happen is that personal human identities are not conscious of their Spirit. When you become conscious of your Spirit, your whole life experience will change.

When you finally connect with your Spirit you become it. Once you become it there is no separateness within you. At this point you will experience the happiness of Spirit. Happiness of Spirit is when your joy comes from within you and from this perspective you enjoy the human experience. It is your spirit living through your personal human identity. The human experience then becomes like an adventure to Disneyland and you/your Spirit is what took you there. Happiness of Spirit is when you realize that you are Spirit

© Michael Cavallaro 2010


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