Showing posts with label health tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health tips. Show all posts

August 21, 2011

Is Exercise Bad For Your Heart?

Has Research Proven That Exercise Is Bad For Your Heart?

Exercise is good for you… right? Everyone knows eating right, exercising, reducing stress and routine maintenance check-ups are the key to living up to your genetic potential. Well, a new study just found a certain type of exercise seems to be bad for your heart.


Here’s the scoop: Not too long ago, researchers conducted a study on the heart health of a group of very fit older athletes -- men who had been part of a National or Olympic team in distance running or rowing, or runners who had completed at least 100 marathons. All of the men had trained and competed throughout their adult lives and continued to strenuously exercise. The results were not good. Half of these lifelong athletes showed evidence of heart muscle scarring. None of the younger athletes or the older non-athletes had fibrosis in their hearts. The affected men were the ones who had trained the longest and hardest.

Now, a new study done on rats has reproduced similar findings. In this study, published in the journal, Circulation, Canadian and Spanish scientists prodded young, healthy male rats to run at an intense pace, day after day, for three months, which is the equivalent of about 10 years, in human terms. At the beginning of the study, the rats had perfectly normal hearts. At the end of the training period, heart scans showed that most of the rodents had developed diffuse scarring and some structural changes, similar to the changes seen in the human endurance athletes. A control group of rats did not develop the heart changes, but when the rats stopped running, their hearts returned to normal within 8 weeks. 

What Does All This Mean For You? 

According to Dr. Paul Thompson, the Chief of Cardiology at Hartford Hospital in Connecticut, and an expert on sports cardiology, in terms of exercise, unless you are going to the extreme like the elite athletes in the study, probably not much. He was one of the peer reviewers for the British athlete study. He said, “How many people are going to join the 100 Marathon club or undertake a comparable amount of training? Not many. Too much exercise has not been a big problem in America. Most people just run to stay in shape, and for them, the evidence is quite strong that endurance exercise is good [for the heart].” 

What Is Important For You?

One word: Moderation. Health really seems to be all about moderation. That goes for the foods you eat, the exercise you do and the stress you deal with. Not enough is not good, but too much can be just as bad. Sadly, most people think if something is good – more is better. There is an optimal level or range for everything. Above or below that level – for any length of time – leads to abnormal stress, strain and problems. When you are looking to get in shape and be healthy, you must first discover the proper definitions of in shape and health.

August 18, 2011

Health Tip Of The Month

Simple Ways To Get Better Results From Any Weight Loss Program

Everyone wants to know the answer to this question: What’s the best way to lose weight? The problem with that age - old question is – there is no ONE correct answer because everyone’s body make-up, chemistry and genes are different. In other words, we all react differently to different types of food. We also react differently to different types of exercise. That’s why losing weight and keeping it off can be so difficult. It has also opened up the door for marketers to sell all kinds of junk that promises to get you skinny… just about overnight.

Here’s the real truth about weight loss – and it’s something many people simply do not want to hear… To successfully lose weight, you must meticulously figure out what types of foods and exercise work with your body chemistry and type. Then, you must make a plan incorporating those foods and exercises... then… YOU MUST STICK TO THAT PLAN FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. There is no “quick fix” pill or wonder diets or miracle piece of workout equipment that will work.

That’s A Hard Pill For Most To Swallow

But, there is a way to get better results for ANY eating or exercise program you do.  
Here is how:  Researchers at Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research instructed obese adults who participated in the study to follow a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and maintain a weight loss journal. While some were asked to maintain their weight loss journals six days a week, others updated it only once a week. The author of the study said those who maintained their journal regularly lost more weight compared to those who updated it only once a week. It is believed several reasons attributed to the success of the “journal” group. 

Two very important reasons are:  Accountability and the ability to really analyze what you are eating and doing physically. People are often surprised when they see in writing what they are doing. Perception is often very different from reality. So, if you want to increase the effect of any weight loss program you are on, try keeping a journal. But first, accept the fact that losing weight and staying in shape takes effort and time, and the results are a better looking and healthier you. Nothing is more important.

August 17, 2011

Simple Formula For Kids’ Academic Success

Poor academic achievement has caused school systems to add more classroom time, in many cases, at the expense of physical education.

However, new research shows this may be hurting students’ performances.

A physical activity program that incorporated academic skills was instituted at a public school in Charleston, South Carolina. Students in grades 1-6 were scheduled for daily physical education. State standardized reading test scores were collected for both the academic year of program initiation and the following year.

The results showed statistically significant higher test scores for those students in the group with the physical activity program versus those without it at other schools in the same district.

June 17, 2011

Health Update : Weight Loss Tip Of The Month

Simple Ways To Get Better Result From Any Weight Loss Program

Everyone wants to know the answer to this question: What’s the best way to lose weight? The problem with that age-old question is – there is no ONE correct answer because everyone’s body make-up, chemistry and genes are different.  In other words, we all react differently to different types of food. We also react differently to different types of exercise. That’s why losing weight and keeping it off can be so difficult.  It has also opened up the door for marketers to sell all kinds of junk that promises to get you skinny… just about overnight.

Here’s the real truth about weight loss – and it’s something many people simply do not want to hear…

To successfully lose weight, you must meticulously figure out what types of foods and exercise work with your body chemistry and type. Then, you must make a plan incorporating those foods and exercises... then… YOU MUST STICK TO THAT PLAN FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. There is no “quick fix” pill or wonder diets or miracle piece of workout equipment that will work.

That’s A Hard Pill For Most To Swallow

But, there is a way to get better results for ANY eating or exercise program you do. Here is how: Researchers at Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research instructed obese adults who participated in the study to follow a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and maintain a weight loss journal. While some were asked to maintain their weight loss journals six days a week, others updated it only once a week. The author of the study said those who maintained their journal regularly lost more weight compared to those who updated it only once a week. It is believed several reasons attributed to the success of the “journal” group.

Two very important reasons are: accountability and the ability to really analyze what you are eating and doing physically. People are often surprised when they see in writing what they are doing. Perception is often very different from reality. So, if you want to increase the effect of any weight loss program you are on, try keeping a journal. But first, accept the fact that losing weight and staying in shape takes effort and time, and the results are a better looking and healthier you. Nothing is more important.

May 19, 2010

Weekly Health Update

Mental Attitude:
Learning And Video Games. Boys 6-9, took intelligence tests and reading and writing assessments. The boys' parents and teachers filled out questionnaires relating to their behavior at home and at school. Half the families received a video-game system immediately and the other half were promised a video-game system four months later, at the end of the study. Boys who received the system immediately spent more time playing video games and less time engaged in after-school academic activities. They also had significantly lower reading and writing scores four months later and had greater teacher-reported learning problems. When children have problems with language at a young age, they tend to have a tougher time acquiring advanced reading and writing skills later on.  Psychological Science, April 2010

Health Alert: Adolescent Drinking Adds To Risk Of Breast Disease, Breast Cancer! Girls 9-15, who drink alcohol increase their risk of benign breast disease (benign breast disease increases the risk for developing breast cancer). Girls who drink 6-7 days a week are 5.5 times more likely to have benign breast disease. Girls who drink 3-5 days per week have 3 times the risk. On average, girls diagnosed with benign breast disease drink more often, drink more on each occasion and have an average daily consumption 2 times that of those who did not have benign breast disease. They also had more episodes of binge drinking.
Pediatrics, May 2010

Go Nuts for Cardiovascular Health. Nuts help lower cholesterol. Nuts are high in monounsaturated fat, which lowers LDL ("bad") cholesterol while leaving HDL ("good") cholesterol intact. Studies show people who eat about an ounce of nuts a day have lower risk of heart disease. Nuts are high in fat and calories, so only eat a handful, and make sure they're not covered in sugar or chocolate.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, February 2006

Exercise: Jog Lightly? If a person weighing 150 lbs jogs 3 miles, the cumulative impact on each foot is greater than 150 tons. This impact can be detrimental to your entire body and not just your feet. Remember to run on soft surfaces and avoid concrete sidewalks.

Chiropractic/Physical Therapy:
Low Back Pain And Your Muscles. Patients with low back pain recruit muscles in different patterns and cause altered loads on the lumbar spine. The joints are out of sync to protect the spinal tissues from motion that may cause pain. These patterns will persist as long as the tissue attempts to avoid pain. Spine Journal, 2007

Wellness/Prevention: Childhood Body Size Affects Future Breast Cancer Risk. Girls who are leaner at age seven are at higher risk of cancer later in life. A larger body type at age seven is associated with a decreased risk of postmenopausal breast cancer.  BioMed Central Limited, April, 2010

Quote: "A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how by his thought to derive benefit from his illnesses." ~ Hippocrates

May 11, 2010

Weekly Health Updates

Mental Attitude: Depressed People Are More Likely To Smoke.

*43% of adults with depression are current smokers, compared to 22% without depression.

*Adults with depression are less likely to quit smoking.

*The percentage of smokers increases as depression severity increases.

*28% of depressed smokers smoke more than a pack a day, compared to 15% without depression.

*51% of depressed smokers smoke their first cigarette within the first 5 minutes of the day compared to 30% with no depression.

National Center for Health Statistics, April, 2010.

Health Alert: Addicted To Drugs? 80% of US adults, 175 million, report taking Over The Counter medications; 15% daily; 14% several times per week; 27% several times per month. 90% of people over 65 take at least one prescription drug per week; 45% use acetaminophen; 60% use various NSAIDs; 18% use aspirin.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Menu Labeling! The new health reform bill includes a provision requiring calorie labeling on chain restaurant menus, menu boards and drive-through displays. It also requires these establishments to provide additional nutrition information in the restaurant, upon request. Educated consumers are better prepared to make informed decisions. Nutrition information on menus makes an impact on food purchases by prompting customers to choose lower calorie food and beverage selections and spurring the industry to create healthier menu offerings. 
American Heart Association, 2010

Exercise: Movement Is Life. Regular exercise improves circulation, enhances flexibility and gives you a greater ability to accomplish physical tasks, without risking injury. It takes only 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.
US Department of Health and Human Services' Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans

Chiropractic and Physical Therapy:
Pain Free? Strains on the tissues of your spine build-up gradually from the repetitive activities of daily living. In time, the tissue will be stressed enough to cause pain as chemical by-products become trapped in the tense tissue. Maintaining proper spine and joint motion through chiropractic care and physical therapy can prevent and decrease pain.

Wellness/Prevention: Toothpaste With Triclosan/Copolymer Kills Harmful Germs. Your mouth is home to 800-1,000 different kinds of bacteria. Toothpaste containing triclosan/copolymer is better than regular fluoride toothpastes at killing these bacteria. Triclosan has been shown to inhibit plaque and gingivitis. The copolymer helps to keep triclosan in your mouth for a longer period of time, which boosts its ability to inhibit oral bacteria.
General Dentistry, Jan/Feb 2010

"Having good health is very different from only being not sick."
~ Seneca The Younger, 50 AD

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