February 23, 2010

Acupuncture as a Pain Management Technique

By Leah Rampolla

Because acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of needles into the skin, many believe this to be a strange and ineffective pain management technique. In actuality, acupuncture can be utilized as an extremely effective pain relief treatment for a variety of ailments. While acupuncture does involve the insertion of needles into the skin at multiple sites on the body, the needles are very small and doweled. Many patients receiving treatment are surprised to learn that the needle has already been inserted into their skin and did not feel any pain during the insertion.

101 Great Ways to Improve Your HealthIn China, practitioners use acupuncture as a pain management technique for a variety of ailments and Western medicine has begun to embrace this alternative kind of pain management as valid and effective. While there is not a significant amount of concrete data to substantiate these claims, the “clinical impressions” of the acupuncturist as well as testimonials of the patients treated suggest that acupuncture is indeed an effective and valid form of pain management.

Acupuncture can be used to alleviate pain caused by ailments such as rheumatism, arthritis, sprains, headaches; particularly migraine headaches, strokes, neuralgias, nervous disorders, diseases of the digestive system, diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, obstetrics, and can also assist in addiction treatment. Acupuncture is commonplace in the East and is increasing in popularity in the West. Many patients seek acupuncture as an alternative form of pain management that is natural and side effect free.

Acupuncture Electronic Probe - Acu Smith
Not all diseases respond to acupuncture treatment, but many patients who receive the treatment claim that the pain relief can be felt almost immediately and is long lasting. For more information or a free Acupuncture first visit, feel free to call (732)226-2153 or visit www.advancedwellnessacupuncture.com

Alternative Pain Management Methods

By Leah Rampolla

Those who participate in full contact sports such as roller derby often suffer from sprained and strained muscles, internal and external bruising, abrasions, and the occasional fractured bone. The obvious pain management solution for these types of sports related injuries is traditional Western medicine and methods. A trip to the doctor for a prescription for pain relief in pill form or a trip to the drug store for some encapsulated over the counter pain relief is the general pain remedy for most Westerners.

Alternative pain management methods such as acupuncture are becoming more recognized in the West and the acceptance is becoming more wide spread.

Acupuncture for Everyone: What It Is, Why It Works, and How It Can Help YouAcupuncture, the Chinese practice of the insertion of needles into specific areas of the body to facilitate pain relief, is becoming recognized and accepted as an effective pain management technique. The Chinese believe that acupuncture is an effective means of pain management for a numbers of diseases and maladies and is practiced widely in the East. Western medicine is becoming more accepting of acupuncture as a pain management technique. Many acupuncture patients claim almost immediate pain relief and no side effects from acupuncture treatments.

Many Westerners are beginning to embrace alternative pain management methods instead of or in conjunction with tradition pain management methods more than ever before. Yoga, crystal healing, and herbal remedies are all increasing in popularity and gaining validity as effective pain management techniques. Alternative pain management techniques such as yoga offer the patient additional benefits such as increased strength and cardiovascular fitness, improved breathing techniques, and calmness of mind. Many little known alternative pain management techniques are often just as or more effective than traditional pain relief methods and are worth exploring.
Acupuncture and the Chakra Energy System: Treating the Cause of Disease
If your living with pain in New Jersey and want more information feel free to call (732)226-2153.

February 13, 2010

Searching for Doctor Pain

When I was in the 8th grade, I threw my back out in between bells and have had chronic back pain since.  As a dancer, this did not help my profession.  Now, at 31, I still wake up with the aches.  If I sleep in a weird position, on a different bed (hotel mattresses are the worst), or have my neck elevated even slightly too high or too low, my poor back throbs.  I have tried yoga, Pilates, stretching, massages, flipping my mattress, getting new mattresses, sleeping on alternate sides of the bed, hot showers, you name it.  Not wanting to take a Bayer everyday like an oldster, I began researching other alternatives.  Advancing technology has taken on a whole new spectrum of therapies for chronic back pain.  Surgery may be an option, but now there are many outpatient procedures that provide back pain relief.     Here are important things I have found out in my quest for pain relief - Find a great doctor.

The internet is a wonderful tool in researching doctors in your area and beyond that have the specific qualifications you are looking for.  Do your homework.  When searching for a doctor, make sure he/she is well versed in spine pain management, pain relief, and chronic back pain issues.  Also, treat your first visit with them as a test.  You want your doctor to take your symptoms seriously and show genuine concern.  Your doctor should focus on you, not themselves, and make secure eye contact.  It is also imperative that your new doctor be knowledgeable of advanced therapies and alternative medicines.  Keep in mind that doctors see a lot of patients.  You must place emphasis on your most important issues and symptoms.  Some doctors have a habit of honing in on key words you mention and making quick diagnoses.  It's important that your doctor listen to your specific problems and develop a few different resolutions.  By following these simple practices, you will be able to find a great doctor who can lead you to the road to recovery.

February 8, 2010

Brief History Lesson on the Closest Idea Out There To The Actual Truth

This is an excerpt from Educational Psychology Interactive by Huitt, W. (2007)

Maslow on ManagementAbraham Maslow (1954)  attempted to synthesize a large body of research related to human motivation. Prior to Maslow, researchers generally focused separately on such factors as biology, achievement, or power to explain what energizes, directs, and sustains human behavior. Maslow posited a hierarchy of human needs based on two groupings: deficiency needs and growth needs. Within the deficiency needs, each lower need must be met before moving to the next higher level. Once each of these needs has been satisfied, if at some future time a deficiency is detected, the individual will act to remove the deficiency.

The first four levels are:
1) Physiological: hunger, thirst, bodily comforts
2) Safety/security: out of danger
3) Belonginess and Love: affiliate with others, be accepted
4) Esteem: to achieve, be competent, gain approval and recognition

According to Maslow, an individual is ready to act upon the growth needs if and only if the deficiency needs are met. Maslow's initial conceptualization included only one growth need, self-actualization.

Self-actualized people are characterized by:
1) being problem-focused
2) incorporating an ongoing freshness of appreciation of life
3) a concern about personal growth
4) the ability to have peak experiences

Motivation and PersonalityMaslow later differentiated the growth need of self-actualization, specifically naming two lower-level growth needs prior to general level of self-actualization(Maslow & Lowery, 1998) and one beyond that level (Maslow, 1971).

They are:
5) Cognitive: to know, to understand, and explore
6) Aesthetic: symmetry, order, and beauty
7) Self-actualization: to find self-fulfillment and realize one's potential
8) Self-transcendence: to connect to something beyond the ego or to help others find self-fulfillment and realize their potential

Maslow's basic position is that as one becomes more self-actualized and self-transcendent, one becomes more wise (develops wisdom) and automatically knows what to do in a wide variety of situations. Maslow recognized that not all personalities followed his proposed hierarchy. While a variety of personality dimensions might be considered as related to motivational needs, one of the most often cited is that of introversion and extroversion.

Maslow and Self-Actualization - An Interview with Dr. Everett ShostromReorganizing Maslow's hierarchy based on the work of Alderfer and considering the introversion/extraversion dimension of personality results in three levels, each with an introverted and extroverted component. This organization suggests there may be two aspects of each level that differentiate how people relate to each set of needs. Different personalities might relate more to one dimension than the other. For example, an introvert at the level of  Other/Relatedness might be more concerned with his or her own perceptions of being included in a group, whereas an extrovert at that same level would pay more attention to how others value that membership.

There is much work still to be done in this area before we can rely on a theory to be more informative than simply collecting and analyzing data. However, this body of research can be very important to parents, educators, administrators and others concerned with developing and using human potential. It provides an outline of some important issues that must be addressed if human beings are to achieve the levels of character and competencies necessary to be successful in the information age.


While driving through the city of Reading, PA, I can't help but fall into a melancholy mood.  To say that this city has seen better days is an understatement.  The ruins of once thriving textile mills and factories of various industrial products now cast a shadow of gloom over the remaining cityscape.  I try to avoid making that drive because lets face it, who likes to feel sad.  On the rare occasion when I do find myself navigating through this desolate place, I notice trash on the street, dilapidated row homes due to years of neglect and empty lots overrun by weeds and discarded furniture.  I can recall stopping at a traffic light and seeing an old woman sweeping trash out into the gutter and I remember thinking "why not just put it in a trash bag."  That bothered me for a few minutes, but I shrugged it off as city life.  Like many struggling cities, Reading is suffering from high unemployment, poverty and crime.  And this once beautiful town riddled with some of the finest and diverse architecture is left to decay and fade from our memories due in part from a generation or two of devaluation.

McGraw-Hill Recycling Handbook, 2nd Edition   Through the past few decades there has been a steady stream of people from New York City and Philadelphia flowing into town in search of cheap housing.  And there is no shortage of landlords who want to rent to anyone just as long as they are getting their monthly payments. There are two major problems that come from this, especially in a post-industrial town.  The first problem is that "there is barely any homeowners pride in these areas." It's not the property of the inhabitant so why should they worry if the place is in disarray. Problem number two being "what do all these renters do in a town with no industry."  Sit on their front porches and stare at each other I suppose.  If you ask me, there was a lack of strategy on the part of many of these families when making the choice to come here.  Sure, there are cheap places to live in this area, but how are you going to pay for it.  Where are you going to find employment? Are you planning on living off the tax payer's dime? I'll leave that topic for another time.
Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)
Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

  The town of Reading, as well as many like it, is teetering on the brink of failure and is poised for a new identity.  But pointing out the problems is extremely easy.  After you read this, ask the first person you know "what's the solution for your failing town?"  I'm sure you'll get a wide range of answers from volunteer programs to employment opportunity, from crime to respect for the community, from social change to an unoriginal racial joke.  Everyone usually has an answer to contribute but few think their conclusions thoroughly, let alone act on them.  For the romantics out there, there is hope.  And that hope is only materialized through action.

  Stereotypes often litter the general public opinion, which consequentially helps form a blanket impression about all city inhabitants.  Fortunately, there are those, who are willing to act and not just posture in a discussion so the person next to him regards him as insightful.  The forming of ideas and discussing them among colleagues, neighbors, and peers are valuable portions to resolving any challenge, but they are only portions.  Action then becomes required to make these ideas existent.  Through various forms of activism, communities can become revitalized and welcoming.  There are recycling programs, charities and other nonprofit organizations that have progressed past the idea phase and now they are working to make a positive change in these neighborhoods.   Many provide education and social awareness while others provide the means for achieving the revival process.  Take a group called RENUE for example.  RENUE is collaboration of Reading residents working toward the beautification and rejuvenation of their neighborhoods.  Their program focuses on educating communities about damaging and unproductive waste and harmful pollutants.  Despite being a small group, RENUE is making a big impact in the inner city.  Their actions are a testimony of positive values plus cooperation between city residents to achieve a common beneficial goal.  With initiative, there is always success.

Apple iPod touch 8 GB (2nd Generation--with iPhone OS 3.1 Software Installed) [NEWEST MODEL]
Apple iPod touch 8 GB (2nd Generation--with iPhone OS 3.1 Software Installed) [NEWEST MODEL]

Kangaroom Set of Two Recycle Bags  Secondly, the key to bringing urban areas back to life is revitalizing commercial districts. There are several dilemmas with bringing in businesses.   Many federal guidelines favor a suburban investment.  Also local zoning and tax policies in the city make it less desirable then the suburbs.  One idea would be uniting the public with those in the urban community willing to make a change and create effective partnership between themselves and the city government.  Networks of communication need to be put in place in order to keep the issues on the surface.   Some key issues are commercial district revitalization, adjacent neighborhoods re-beautification and ample security to assure the average suburbanite that all is well.  There will be a need for outreach and education for the existing commercial district and adjacent neighborhoods in order emphasize the importance of improving the area's image.  This will be crucial in attracting new businesses and customers. When this is achieved only then can a technical assistance be provided to help make it happen.  Also, there will be an essential need for federal grants, low-interest loans or both to encourage businesses owners to make the improvements.

Garbage and Recycling (Young Discoverers: Environmental Facts and Experiments)  These are just ideas and there are many strategies to overcome demographic and economic stale-mates.  Commercial revitalization initiatives should be combined with education and work force development programs, housing improvement and development, sustained crime reduction efforts and career opportunities as part of a wide range effort to create inner-city revitalization that significantly benefits low and moderate income residents.  The Post-Industrial Town can become that haven for hipsters, the preferred lunch location for the business man, the evening attraction for families, the focal point of culture, music, art and ideas.  Ideas so delicate, saying them too loud will cause them to vanish.  I envision a place of celebrated diversity and mutual respect and prosperity.  This is just an idea but I suppose actions have to start somewhere.

Inspirational Story Of The Month

From Darkness Comes The Most Beautiful Light- How Patrick Henry Hughes Will Change Your Life

     A young man sits at a piano and plays. The music filling the air is so beautiful, anyone hearing it knows the young man is a true master. Then, his voice starts in:

     "Clair de Lune... it means the light of the moon. 
     In the darkness of his eyes and the sweetness of his hands, when Patrick Hughes plays it is the music of possibility, and the sound of promise."
     The camera pans in a little closer and you suddenly realize something very special about Patrick that makes the music even sweeter.

What is it?
     Patrick was born without eyes and a painful joint condition that does not allow him to straighten out his limbs.  Patrick was crippled from birth.  Waking is impossible.  But, Patrick's possibilities are unlimited. When his father, Patrick John Hughes, was interviewed, he said he and his wife were devastated when their son was born.  "Why us?  We worked hard and played by all the rules.  We just didn't understand." Yet, the Heartbreak ended instantly. Before Patrick was even a year old, his parents sat him down at the piano.  That's when the magic started. When his mom or dad would hit a note, Patrick would find the exact same note on his first or second try.  If you don't think that is a gift, blindfold yourself and give it a try. By the time he was two, he was playing requests like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and You Are My Sunshine. Patrick's dad immediately "got it" and knew what the future held.  He said, "Okay, we're not going to play baseball, we're going to play music together. Let's see how far we can run with this."

     As Patrick grew, his musical ability went through the roof.  He performed in Middle School and High School and became pretty well-known for his unbelievable gift. Which is why, when he enrolled in Louisville University, the Associate Director of Bands at Louisville, Dr. Greg Gyne, asked Patrick to join the marching band. Patrick's response?  "Yeah right!"  How could a blind man in a wheelchair march in the marching band? - enters wonder dad. Patrick's father found a way.  He joined the marching band with him!  No, he does not play an instrument.  He goes to every class with Patrick, then every band practice.  And while Patrick plays the trumpet, his father wheels him around with the rest of the marching band. His father works the graveyard shift at UPS so he can spend the day with his son. When asked about his father's work day, Patrick said, "Poor thing- He goes to work at about 11 p.m. Monday - Thursday night, gets in about 6 a.m., goes to bed about 6, and sleeps until around 11."

     Patrick's dad's response?  "He's my hero.  I've told him before.  What he goes through has taught me that I don't really have any complaints.  I guess a father couldn't ask for anything more than the relationship I have with Patrick." Patrick:  "God made me blind and unable to walk- big deal.  He gave me the musical gifts.  I have the great opportunity to meet new people." If you would like to hear more about this story and see Patrick and his father in action.  Trust me, it's the best thing you can do with 10 minutes of your day.


 A Very Good Reason You Should Read This Right Now

101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health
Health care is a huge topic these days, and it should be.  Your health is the most important thing you possess.  If you lose your health, nothing else matters. But, most people think staying healthy is much more complicated than it really is, at least for most people. For most, staying healthy is NOT about new drug discoveries and wonder cures.  Instead, staying healthy is about consistently doing the simple things that keep you functioning properly- for years and years. And the recurring theme in this blog is just that.  You must do these simple things - for the rest of your life.

As you will see in this blog, research has just shown doing something very simple can extend your life.  But you must continue to do it. It's just like brushing your teeth- if you stop, bad things happen. The key to living a happy, healthy and long life is the commitment to doing the simple things that will kepp you healthy. So what are you waiting for?  It will only take you about 10 minutes to read, but may have a big impact of your life.

Marware Eco-Vue for iPadFor more extensive research about health issue that may affect you, subscribe to advancedwellnessmarlboro.blogspot.com, where Dr. Joseph Cilea provides expert health and nutrition analysis. Or if you live in the central New Jersey area and you have questions regarding your health or that of a loved one call- 732-719-8148.

February 1, 2010

Beyond Calcium: What Your Bones Really Need

You Staying Young By, Dr. Michael F. Roizen
 Co-Author of 4 #1 NY Times Bestsellers including: YOU Staying Young. 

The Owner's Manual For Extending Your Warranty (Free Press) and
  YOU: BEING Beautiful. The Owner's Manual to Outer and Inner Beauty

You: The Owner's Manual with Dr. Mehmet Oz (2-DVD Set)    Are you careful about getting enough calcium and vitamin D to keep your bones young and strong? "Enough," by the way, means 1,500 mg of calcium and 1,000 IU of D (1,200 IU if you're a woman over 65) every day. Do you get that much? Fab-YOU-lous. Just don't stop there. There are at least five other nutrients you need for a sturdy skeleton. Yes, we mean YOU! Currently, a whopping 10 million Americans and 2 million Canadians have osteoporosis, the debilitating "brittle bone" disease. The higher percentage of Canadians probably reflects the lesser power of the sun to convert inactive vitamin D to active as you travel north -- and that form of the vitamin is essential for the incorporation of calcium into bone. And guys, you're not in the clear: Men make up 20% of all osteoporosis cases. Don't want to be part of these statistics? Here's what to eat enough of:

     Protein-Your bones may seem a bit dull, but they're actually super-busy, constantly breaking down and rebuilding themselves. One key nutrient your body needs to rebuild them is protein -- in fact, 22% of bone is made of it.  Your daily dose: One-half gram of protein for every pound you weigh. But don't go to extremes. A protein-heavy diet makes your blood more acidic. To neutralize that acid, your body steals calcium from your bones and dumps it into your bloodstream, but your bones end up paying the price. Get it from: Low-fat dairy products (they're full of calcium, too), skinless white meat poultry, fish, tofu, and beans.

101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health     Potassium -Found mainly in fruits and vegetables, potassium also neutralizes acid. No wonder studies have found that people who eat lots of potassium-rich foods have stronger skeletons. Your daily dose: 4,700 mg from food (potassium supplements can be dangerous for your heart so don't take one without speaking with your doc first). Get it from: Bananas, oranges, baked potatoes, plums, raisins, and tomatoes.

     Vitamin K -Bone-building proteins with sci-fi-sounding names like matrix Gla protein, osteocalcin, and protein S all need vitamin K to do their job. Run low on K, and your risk of a fractured hip jumps by 30%. Your daily dose:  90 mcg for women, 120 mcg for men. Get it from: Leafy greens including broccoli, spinach, kale, and even parsley.

     Vitamin B12 -In 2008, a major study found that people who were low on B12 lost more bone than people with robust levels of this B vitamin. Found only in fish and animal foods, B12 helps keep bones in tiptop shape by controlling the amount of homocysteine in your blood. That's a good thing, since homocysteine has been linked to hip fractures . . . and heart disease, too. Your daily dose: 2.4 mcg Get it from: Fish, shellfish, lean beef, and low-fat dairy. If you're over 50, consider a supplement; B12 absorption decreases with age.

Kindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)     Magnesium-Women with osteoporosis are often seriously short on magnesium, which makes up 1% of the minerals in bone. That may sound piddlin' but if you don't have enough magnesium, bone crystals enlarge, making your bones more brittle and prone to fractures. Your daily dose: 400 mg. Fringe benefit of taking a supplement: Magnesium also helps prevent constipation, which calcium supplements can cause. Get it from: Whole-grain cereals, brown rice, almonds, peanuts, and spinach.

     Loading up on healthy foods is key for a strong skeleton, but you may need to limit some others that can actually cause you to lose bone: Caffeine, Sodium, Cola (in addition to caffeine, compounds in cola extract or phosphoric acid may be responsible) Vitamin A supplements exceeding 2,500 mg (don't worry about vitamin A from foods; you can't get too much of it) Excess alcohol (while moderate amounts of alcohol have been linked to healthy bones, too much can weaken them). One more piece of skeleton-saving advice: In addition to eating a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, don't forget a side of regular weight-bearing exercise. It will help you look, be, and feel younger.

EatSmartâ„¢ Precision Digital Bathroom Scale w/ Extra Large Backlit 3.5" Display and "Step-On" Technology        Mehmet and I released YOU: Being Beautiful:  The Owner's Manual to Outer and Inner Beauty.  Beauty doesn't as much reflect our vanity as much as it does our humanity and our health. So stay tuned for more tips on Staying Young, and on being more beautiful.

      About the author: Michael F. Roizen, M.D., is a professor of anesthesiology and internal medicine, Chief Wellness Officer, and chair of the Wellness Institute at the Cleveland Clinic.  Dr. Roizen can be heard on over 30 radio stations Saturdays from 5 to 7 pm.   For a listing just email a request to YouDocs@gmail.com 

     NOTE: You should NOT take this as medical advice.  This article is of the opinion of its author. Before you do anything, please consult with your doctor.

A Guide to Achieving Financial Freedom with a $10K - $20K Monthly Online Income

A Business Plan To  Generate $10K Monthly Online Income Financial freedom is a dream for many, but with careful planning, dedication, and ...