The CDC had coined the term “obesogenic” to describe American society. This term
Despite these alarming statistics some discernable progress has been made. A CDC
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Time and time again, you always hear terms like “my business is different” or “that won’t work for my business”. I am talking about marketing your business, products, or services. When you get right down to it, marketing does work if it is done correctly.
Here is a formula to use when marketing any business, service, or product. It’s called the three (3) P’s of Marketing.
The first 'P' represents Passion. Whatever you are doing, what ever business you are running, whatever product or service you are selling, you better be passionate about it or else you are in big trouble. If you don’t love what you are doing, if you don’t believe in what you are selling it is very difficult to get others to buy into it too. Whether you are training a staff member or directly selling to potential buyer, if you are not behind what you are doing, the results will be bleak. Think to yourself why are you doing what you do? If you are a business owner, go back to why you wanted to be a business owner in the first place? What was the passion behind you starting your own business. If you represent a product, you better be passionate about it or maybe you are selling the wrong thing.
The second 'P' stands for Purpose. Before you doing anything in your business,whether it be creating an advertisement, website, or marketing materials you first have to answer one major questions… ”What is the purpose of ___________?” If you are building a website for example, what is the purpose of your website? Is it to give away information? How about collect leads? Is it to sell something? Or is to have them pick up the phone and call you? If you don’t have a purpose, it is difficult to create something.
It amazes me how often I speak to business owners and sales professionals about various marketing strategies and when I look at their materials, it is not very clear what you want them to do. Websites are notoriously bad at this. People say well I have a website. That is great to have a website but what is your websites purpose? Many times this question can not be answered. Make sure that for all your advertising and marketing that you can answer this simple question. Once you answer it, make sure your marketing piece clearly matches your purpose.
The last 'P' is simply Profitability. The reason for being in business is to make aprofit. Even non-profits need to make money (profits) so they can give those profits to their cause. If your company makes 1 million dollars in revenue but your operating costs are 1 million dollars, there is no profit. Same for if your company makes 100 million dollars and your operating costs are 100 million dollars.
The same holds true for any of your marketing. The purpose of marketing anything is to get a return on your investment. If your marketing is not being profitable, it is not being effective. There are many reasons this can happen that we won’t get into here but the bottom line is whatever you are doing in your marketing efforts it needs to be profitable for you in the long run.
So there is the 3 P marketing formula. If you have all 3 of these, you will have a business that will be around for a long time.
Marketing your products and services is critical to your business growth and long term success. Make sure that you are doing the right things in your marketing efforts to make that happen.
So how can you do this? Simple: It’s called an Autoresponder system!
An autoresponder system is an automatic method of responding to emailssent by existing or potential customers and is a must for any business ororganization. Time is money and answering e-mails personally takes far toomuch of your already valuable time for you and your customers. Auto respondersallow you to spend more time on other important aspects of your business whilstthe customer receives the information required almost immediately and automatically!
Because of the versatility of autoresponders they can be used by practically any typeof business. Answering questions about products and services, creating sales, providing information on pricing and delivery including being used to welcome new customers to your website and thanking them for visiting.
So, why use an autoresponder system when you can list the information on your website?
I was just doing a speaking event last week and someone from the audience asked me the exact same question.Here is the answer (or at least a few of them). For one, you only have about 5 to 7 seconds to catch the attention of your website visitor. While you many have this information somewhere on your website, there is a huge chance that no one will ever read it.
Second reason, the correct autoresponder system can capture leads for you. It can also follow up with your potential prospects on autopilot. It can also organize a segmented database for you…WITHOUT YOU DOING ANYTHING!
There are certainly even more benefits than these but hey, this is just a blog post,not a book!It is crucial for you to choose the right one. Buying an autoresponder is the the easy part.
Choosing the right one for you that does everything you want it and need it to do is another, and knowing how to effectively use it in your marketing is even more important.Who can tell you which one is best for you? Good question. The answer is not so simple.
First, you need to determine the purpose of your autoresponder system. What is itthat you want it to do for your company? Do you want it to simply emaila list of people or do you want to create an entire marketing system for your business?
You can find some that are free or low cost and you can find ones that can do everything except cook you dinner. Which one is the right one? The simple answer is it depends on your needs.
Autoresponders are one of the most important marketing tools you can use today in your business if you know how to use them effectively.Finally the automatic responses of the autoresponder will give you freedom and flexibility to save you time while increasing your market reach and follow up. It can bring you an increase in leads, sales, and repeat buyers on total autopilot. Can it work for your business? I’d say it most likely can!
Mental Attitude: US Children Are Depressed! According to an alarming study, in 2007 8% of children in the US, ages 12-17, had a Major Depressive Episode!
National Health Interview Survey, 2008
Health Alert: Children Are Still Smoking! A shocking survey showed 50% of high school students tried smoking in 2008, and 25% of children ages 12 or older currently consider themselves smokers.
CDC, 2009
Diet: We Are Eating Ourselves To Death! 27.2% of US adults, aged 20 years and over, are obese! Obesity is defined as a Body Mass Index of 30 or more or 20% or more above your recommended weight.
National Health Interview Survey, 2009
To calculate you BMI: take your height (in inches) and square it. Then divide that number into your body weight (in pounds). Then multiply by 703.
Underweight < 18.5Normal Weight 18.5-24.9Overweight 25.0-29.9Obese 30.0-34.9Very Obese 35.0-39.9Morbid Obesity Over 40
Exercise: Best Results For Strengthening. Stretching the muscle you are strengthening is key; however, it is also important to stretch stretching the muscle opposite of the one you are strengthening if that muscle is tight or overly-contracted. Example: If strengthening the upper back muscles, first stretch the chest muscles (which are typically tight and turning off the very muscle group you are trying to strengthen) and then stretch the upper back muscles (combined, this stretching will maximizes muscle firing). Once your stretching is done, then strengthen the chest. Try it! Craig Liebenson, DC
Chiropractic: Being Overweight is Bad For Your Back. Excess body weight, especially around the waist, puts strain on your back. It is like carrying a bag of groceries all day. Being overweight often means being in poor physical condition, with weaker muscles and less flexibility. Both of these factors can lead to low back pain. Even losing a few pounds can make a huge difference.
Wellness/Prevention: Get Outside Or Get Sick! People DO NOT get sick from cold weather; it's from being indoors a lot more. The highest concentration of germs is inside, so if you stay indoors more during the winter,you’re exposed to more germs.
Quote: “The biggest disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis, but rather thefeeling of being unwanted.” ~ Mother Theresa
Mental Attitude: Laughter and Humor: Natural Ways to Reduce Stress. There is truth to the saying that laughter is the best medicine. Laughing reduces stress hormones like adrenaline (epinephrine) and cortisol. It also benefits your immune system by increasing the number and activity of Natural Killer T-cells. These cells act as the first line of defense against viral attacks and damaged cells. Monique Gilbert, B.Sc.
Health Alert: Sleep On This! Sepracor, makers of Lunesta (the top selling sleep prescription sleep medicine), spent $298 million in advertising in 2006 alone! IMS Health, 2007
Diet: Feed Your Brain These 3 Brain-Friendly Nutrients:
1) Omega-3 fatty acids are linked to brain development and function. Sources ofomega-3s include seafood (especially cold-water fish) and supplements.
2) Choline improves memory and protects against senility in old age. Sources of choline include egg yolks, skim milk, soybeans and lentils.
3) Folic acid can reduce the risk of birth defects and improve your ability to think clearly and remember, decreasing the risk of Alzheimer's. Sources include spinach, asparagus, avocado, cereals fortified with B9, and most daily multivitamin supplements. Nutrition Journal, 2005
Exercise: Shoulder and Upper Back Stretching Exercises at Your Desk. Extend one arm out straight in front of you. With the other hand, grab the elbow of the outstretched arm and pull it across your chest, stretching your shoulder and upper back muscles. Hold for 15-30 seconds and release. Repeat on the other side. Angela Smith, MD
Chiropractic: 4 Ways To Decrease Risk Of Back Pain.
1) Get adjusted by your chiropractor. Your muscles, bones and ligaments are stressed continuously by normal daily activities (driving, sitting at the computer, lifting your kids, etc.). These stresses add up over time and can lead to muscle tightness, spasms, joint stiffness and pain.
2) Proper ergonomics. Properly set up your computer work station. When lifting, use your legs and trunk. Try to avoid bending the back while you lift.
3) Exercise regularly. Exercise helps the stretching and strengthening of your back muscles.
4) Avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits. Emotional stress can cause muscle tension. Watch what you eat as excess weight can contribute to back pain.
Wellness/Prevention: Anti-Smoking Legislation Working! Hospitals report a significant decline in cardiovascular and respiratory admissions in areas wheresmoking is banned in restaurants.
Canadian Medical Association Journal, April 2010
Quote: "Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." ~ John F. Kennedy
A Business Plan To Generate $10K Monthly Online Income Financial freedom is a dream for many, but with careful planning, dedication, and ...