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May 1, 2010
Online education to make money at home - Sponsored Post
April 29, 2010
Mastering the Art of Being Human Introduction
Video: Michael Cavallaro- Mastering the Art of Being Human Introduction
Being a human being is an art. All human beings are artists. You as the artist of your life are creating a painting, an existence, that has never existed in the way that it exists through you!
Michael Cavallaro on Understanding Yourself
Human Tools 101-Fear and Panic Attacks
Michael Cavallaro, author of The 55 Concepts, A Guide to Conscious Living, speaks on the tools needed for deprogramming the human mind.
April 27, 2010
Why Would Sexual Orientation Define Patrotism?
by. Leah Rampolla
Tracking Cell Phones Without Warrants a Constitutional Violation
In Philadelphia, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals presided over arguments to determine the Constitionality of tracking cell phone location and records without warrants. It is likely that the case will make its way to the Supreme Court. In the age of terrorism- domestic and international- it is prudent that the Justice Department have access to the cell phone records of a terrorist suspect. With the records the Justice Department can pinpoint the location of a suspected terrorist or access possible terrorist networks through cell phone records.
According to the Fourth Admendment, a warrant can't even be issued without establishing prior probable cause for the warrant. A reasonable expectation of privacy is not ensured when the government is scrutinizing and tracking your phone calls without a warrant or even notification that you are being monitored. Warrants are a crucial way to ensure government transparency- as much transparency as possible anyway, and to prove to the suspect that there is probable cause and the reason for the seizure is justified and valid.
April 26, 2010
The Decline of Thought
by. Leah Rampolla
Different is, well different and that can be scary. What even scarier is the fact that so many people choose to let the media dictate their life. Scariest of all is the soulless money grabbing, rampant corporate greed that has come to define the media and that people live their lives by what the media says. Do yourself a favor- kill your television.
April 18, 2010
Do you want to be common or do you want to be extraordinary?
It seems that from a very young age people generally have the need to fit in or belong. At this stage you have no idea what it really means except that it makes you feel comfortable and you perceive that you are loved because you belong. When you seek to fit in or belong you are actually saying I wish to be common.
Having no special distinction or quality, average, ordinary, standard, mediocre, lack of uniqueness
Quite often you may want to be common so that you do not stand out. Common people tend to criticize and pick on people who stand out. Often times there is a fear of being unique because of peer pressure to be common. Whether you're an adult or a child these pressures still exist. They affect you as long as you are not accepting your own uniqueness. If common people pick on and criticize people who are unique, why would you want to be one of them? To become common is the denial of self. As long as you're in denial of yourself and your own heart's desires to be whoever it is you are, life will always feel like something is missing.
Sometimes you may want to be common as to not stand out so that you can hide your true self. You may hide your true self because you fear the judgment of others. This judgment may be about how bad and wrong you are, or judgment of whether you are lovable or not. If you are extraordinary often you are treated as an outsider and feel like an outcast. This then is interpreted as meaning you are not loved.
When you feel the need to belong or fit in you might find it interesting if you change the words ‘belong’ or ‘fit in’ to ‘common’. After having changed the sentence from, “I want to belong” to “I want to be common” ask yourself:
“Do I really want to be common?”~ Notice the difference how changing the words from ‘belong’ to ‘common’ changes the feel of the statement.
No one truly wants to be common. The problem is that most people confuse belonging and fitting in, with being loved. You will find that even if you belong or fit in, it still is never quite enough. Why settle for common? Why not choose to be extraordinary with the ability to interact commonly.
Conflict within you usually occurs because you have a desire to be common and a desire to be unique or extraordinary. This is where you might be torn between wanting to fit in and belong or be unique and extraordinary. The word extraordinary is too threatening for some people because in society it is often implied that extraordinary is unacceptable and you will not be accepted if you are too different. It is also implied that being extraordinary is only for those who are special and the select few. The general belief that human beings carry is, they are not special, even though they want to be.
It's now time for you to choose to be extraordinary!
© Michael Cavallaro 2010
Consciousness Cures Everything
In general human beings who are on an internal growth process tend to see consciousness as something their human achieves. To begin with you must begin to see your humanness and your spirit have two separate sources in order to give you some perspective. It isn't that they are necessarily two separate sources but this perspective allows you to separate from your limited human consciousness long enough to see a larger picture. Once having established this separate perspective you can begin to see that your human consciousness is limited to your belief systems, patterned behaviors, and attitudes. You can then see the possibility of spirit consciousness. Human consciousness being limited allows for the possibilities of sickness and pain.
Spirit consciousness being beyond these does not allow for these to occur unless it is something that it chooses to experience in the human form. To be in spirit consciousness your vibrational frequency must be elevated. Human consciousness carries with it a denser vibrational frequency therefore allowing the possibilities of illness and pain. Being in a denser vibrational frequency creates greater limitations than otherwise available in spirit consciousness.
Internal personal growth allows for your vibrational frequencies to be elevated toward spirit consciousness. This then naturally eliminates illness and pain. Changing of your vibrational frequency includes changing your belief systems, your thoughts, your attitudes and your programmed human behaviors. Many seeking consciousness of the weight or neglect this aspect of raising their frequencies.
Three things you can do to raise your vibrational frequencies:
Find a process that is a personal fit that allows you to change your beliefs systems. Some examples are; EFT, Mastering the Art of Being Human, AFT...
Visualize bringing in higher frequencies of light and sound into your body. White light is a magnificent symbol as it encompasses all the frequencies of light and allows for your spirit to decide which ones are best for your body. Violet light is wonderful for transformation and transmuting denser energies and the old belief systems.
Have a relationship with someone who is on the same path as you that you can balance (bounce?) your changes and ideas off of. This relationship must at its core have the agreement that you are both completely honest about everything. It also must have the understanding that neither of you are completely clear and your opinions and honesty might be a little off, but you are both doing the best that you can.
Spirit consciousness occurs when your spirit integrates with your humanness and the two become one. The old belief system thought that your humanness ascended into your spirit but that is the difference between the Piscean age and the Aquarian age. The Aquarian/New Age is the integration of your spirit with your humanity thereby ascending your vibrational frequency whereas you change from being a human being to a divine human.
© Michael Cavallaro 2010
Spirituality as a Creation
People do not realize that spirituality is a creation and it is a creation of your own. It is not that you are creating something new in spirituality itself. Most people want to be followers of some sort. They are looking for their "spiritual path" outside of themselves. They usually find what someone else has done and copy it, then claim it is their own.
We are all set at the beginning of this life and there is no path until someone has created one. So the choice is, are you following someone else’s path or are you creating your own?
These people who are coming to you are looking for someone who has already carved a path that they “like” to follow. That “blends” with them. That is as easy or hard as the journey is supposed to be that they like this path. Or they will follow what you have led them to until it gets too hard or too easy. And then when it’s no longer the way they imagined it was supposed to be they will change paths because they have to find the way that’s really for them. And, “This way isn’t for me. It’s your way.” Well, no shit. You followed my macheted path, you idiot. Of course it’s my path.
This is a big piece with this person and probably most for a while that you will be encountering. – understand that somebody has to bring them. Not everybody’s going to bring the ice; somebody’s got to bring the food – or vice-versa. Somebody has to say, “Hey, it’s over here.” And they have to get it and go off. As much as it may seem not fun, or a perspective, somebody has to do it, they have to get connected somewhere.
Happiness of Spirit
Spiritual happiness is something many people seek. People often confuse happiness of Spirit with personal human happiness. There is also a misperception of what spirituality and personal human identity are about, as well as almost no understanding of happiness of Spirit. There is a perceived separation of Spirit and personal identity. This leads to the need to become spiritual or be a spiritual seeker.
Personal human identity and happiness is about who and what your ego/personality perceives it is or, who and what it's supposed to be. This could be related to family, work, relationships, children etc. Personal identity happiness is related to the human experience only. Personal identity in the way that you know it is limited to your humanness.
Most of what you perceive of as happiness through your personal identity is based upon human programming or belief patterns. This is limiting. This is the world of should’s, would’s, have to’s, supposed to’s and musts. This is also about the things you think you want because you heard or came to believe this is the way things should be.
Spirituality is often perceived of as who you're supposed to be. Some of the perceived qualities are; going to church, meditation, personally reflective, being a good person, in touch with God. In truth spirituality doesn't actually exist. To believe that being spiritual or spirituality exists carries an unconscious belief that, you are not Spirit. It also implies that you must become or be something that you are not.For example, does a deer try to become a deer or a bird attempt to be a bird? Of course not they are what they are. They do not chase something that they already are.
Spirituality does not exist because you are Spirit and you cannot be anything else. Because you are Spirit you cannot be spiritual. At your core is your Spirit. Your Spirit is what it is. Your Spirit, at some level decided it wanted to experience human and has created your human form. Remember, the only reason someone wants to be or become spiritual is because they believe they are not!
Spirit Having a Personal Identity
The concept of Spirit having a personal identity versus your personal human identity becoming spiritual might be unique to some. Your Spirit, also referred to as your Holy Spirit, is your true essence. It is that which was created by Source/God. Your Spirit has a personal identity but it is not related to or about your personal human identity. Your Spirit has chosen to have an experienced as a human being. In doing so it needed to have a personal human identity so that it could perceive itself in a human form. So the personal human identity is simply a way for you to navigate with on your human journey. What tends to happen is that personal human identities are not conscious of their Spirit. When you become conscious of your Spirit, your whole life experience will change.When you finally connect with your Spirit you become it. Once you become it there is no separateness within you. At this point you will experience the happiness of Spirit. Happiness of Spirit is when your joy comes from within you and from this perspective you enjoy the human experience. It is your spirit living through your personal human identity. The human experience then becomes like an adventure to Disneyland and you/your Spirit is what took you there. Happiness of Spirit is when you realize that you are Spirit
© Michael Cavallaro 2010
April 16, 2010
Price Your Name
In this fine country of ours, we can name our offspring any idiotic sound we want. I can name my kid “Pffffffrrnt” if I choose. The name of my child can sound similar to the sound of passing gas. “Hey Pffffffrrnt, clean your room.” I guess there might be a point where a soon to be parent thinks “what does my name say about my personality?” My child will have a great name… a name I wish I could have for myself. Names like Samuel and Robert or Elizabeth and Rebecca are way too common to pass on to the next generation. The only way names of that same ilk continue to exist is through juniors, thirds and so on. I suppose the idea of being original does appeal to me but if you call your child Banjo… you should be hit over the head with a banjo. I’m not much for name meanings but how does being called a string instrument associated with rural America help your little boy. What if Lil’ Banjo has no musical talent, then what?
Horoscope Smoroscope
Are Horoscopes Predictions Or Coincidences?
I was chatting with a stranger the other day while standing in line waiting for a quadruple shot mocha latte. The subject of age came into the discussion which always leads to birthdays. After I disclosed my date of birth, she proceeded to squeal “me too… well actually it’s next week but that so cool, I usually don’t meet many Scorpios, bla bla bla!”
That’s usually the point where I drift off into a daydream of choking this person out or of another place I’d rather be but she kept my attention with her stunning good looks. Anyway, I was handed my liquid crack and moseyed on out of there. While sipping my hot beverage, I tried to understand the fascination to zodiac signs. I can understand the connection between two people about their shared sign if it meant that they now have a common day to celebrate their birthdays and can do it together.
That seems to have a somewhat tangible meaning. But when this woman at the coffee shop started spouting out Scorpio characteristics, I couldn’t help but think “wow this girl is sexy”… then… “I have to escape this conversation before I inevitably insult her beliefs”. Yeah we’re possessive, secretive, stubborn… alright already; I get it… the stars made me this way.Astrology is just an attempt to achieve a predictive mechanism to human behavior. Since the early times of recorded history, man strives to find meaning in everything including within himself. Many hypotheses fell to the way side do to lack of merit. These can be explored through pseudosciences. Astrology is a pseudoscience like alchemy and Quackery. It holds equal validity to a placebo, a sugar pill. Granted, open-mindedness is needed to ascertain many of life’s mysteries but there’s a fine line between the open mind and the gullible mind.
Zodiac signs tend to mirror generalizations about normal human behavior. And more times than not, every characteristic from all the twelve signs can pertain to you. A Taurus can be a good arguer, witty and flirtatious even though those are Gemini characteristics. And despite being Aquarius characteristics… being optimistic, enthusiastic and intelligent can pertain to a Sagittarius. Many people latch onto particular traits that they’re fond of and run with it. People aren’t born with psychological predispositions to any trait because of their astrological location at the time of birth. It was just one way for the uneducated mind to make sense of the stars and themselves. It’s like the creation of Zeus because lightning had to come from somewhere. Zeus tosses them down to earth… duhhhh. As you know, some beliefs vanished while others still linger.Horoscopes are an even bigger sham. A horoscope is an astrological forecast. I’m wary of anything with forecast attached to the end of it. Weather forecast, economic forecast, sales forecast, etc… Their accuracy rating isn’t the best but there’s enough data to come to an educated guess. This does not exist in astrology. Mercury is in retrograde and Uranus is joined by Jupiter in your sign which means surprisingly good things are going to happen but don’t sign any.
Shut Up! It’s all nonsense. Notice how many of them will have a general statement that will, most likely, apply to your individual situation. Another thing that bugs me is that astrology operates on the principle that a person’s conduct is base on how they were born instead of who they are.
This sounds like the same theorem racist follow to sum up an ethnicity. It’s flawed, inaccurate and easily interchangeable. Sure, once in a while they might be right on the mark but it’s like that saying of the broken watch, it is right twice a day. There was a psychologist named Bertram R. Forer who came up with an observation that individuals will give high accuracy ratings to descriptions of their personality that supposedly are tailored specifically for them, but are in fact vague and general enough to apply to a wide range of people.
This is called the Forer effect. Bertram created and gave a personality test to his students. He told his students they were each receiving a unique personality analysis that was based on the test's results and to rate their analysis on a scale of 0 (very poor) to 5 (excellent) on how well it applied to themselves. In reality, each received the same analysis:
“You have a need for other people to like and admire you, and yet you tend to be critical of yourself. While you have some personality weaknesses you are generally able to compensate for them. You have considerable unused capacity that you have not turned to your advantage.. Disciplined and self-controlled on the outside, you tend to be worrisome and insecure on the inside.
At times you have serious doubts as to whether you have made the right decision or done the right thing. You prefer a certain amount of change and variety and become dissatisfied when hemmed in by restrictions and limitations.
You also pride yourself as an independent thinker; and do not accept others' statements without satisfactory proof. But you have found it unwise to be too frank in revealing yourself to others. At times you are extroverted, affable, and sociable, while at other times you are introverted, wary, and reserved. Some of your aspirations tend to be rather unrealistic.”
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